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A few weeks later...

"Minho? Let's go."

"Where??" The older got off his phone for a brief second.

"The second round is tomorrow. I wanna practice."

"It's about singing! Ask Seungmin to go with you! Plus, hasn't half of the things you've been doing been this month helping your voice. Seungmin even gave you weekly lessons. You learned from the best."

"He has a tutoring session today."

"Then practice with Chan hyung or something."

"Pleaseeee go with me."

"Give me a reason why I should."

"You've complaining about being bored for the past 15 minutes."

"Because I am! I'm too lazy to get out of the house."

"There's a fucking practice room in this house dumbass, YOU JUST HAVE TO TAKE A FLIGHT OF STAIRS GOING DOWN."

"I don't like it there."

"Did it commit a crime towards you??"

"It's too bright."

"Your soul is just too dark."

"ALRIGHT LETS GO!" Jisung got changed into more comfortable clothes before heading downstairs with the older.

"Okay. First, your voice needs to be louder. You can't sing if you aren't giving it your all."

"How do I do that?"

"There's an exercise Seungmin taught me. You need to stand up straight first, your posture is all wrong."

Minho put his hands on Jisung's shoulders, pushing them backwards to make him stan up straight.

"Okay now you..."


"There! Your singing is much better now."

"Seungmin should be here by now. Go upstairs and ask him for help. I'm going to sleep."

Jisung made an okay sign with his hands, "Thank you so much! Mwah." He gave Minho a flying kiss without thought and ran upstairs.

"What was that!?" Minho got flustered.

"I need to control my feelings. Stop!"

"HOLY VOICE ANGEL SEUNGMIN IM IN DESPERATE NEED OF YOUR ADVICE!!" Jisung barged into the room, startling the latter who was reading a book.

"You're reading a book? Again?"

"It's simply what I enjoy." He replied.

"Anyways, I've been in the practice room with Minho hyung trying to make my voice sound.. better? This is a recording of me earlier taken by him. Can you listen to it? If it's still not good enough, I'm gonna need your help."

"Sure." Seungmin took the recording and wore his headphones to listen to it.

Jisung was so focused on his friend's reaction to it that Seungmin eventually had to turn away from it getting too uncomfortable.

"So? How is it?"

"It's amazing. You reached notes that took me weeks to master. You're all ready for tomorrow. We won't be able to attend though, all of us are having a meeting."

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