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"Y-You do?"

"I know you're dating him. But, I didn't know he was dating you when I came here. That's why, I'm willing to fight for him."

"Minho probably likes you back too. Heh. I guess that I'm the villain here."

Jisung relaxed his hand and he looked at the keychain. "Maybe I really am just a rebound."

"Mira, I said I'd be home in a bit. I'll talk to you at school."

"So soon?"

"I still h-have some things t-to do."

She sighed, "Okay, I'll see you then."

Jisung rushed back to the house, ignoring what anyone else said to him when he came back.

He ran to Seungmin's room and saw him studying.


The latter got startled and jumped in his seat, "You scared me." He joked with a sarcastic face until he turned around and saw Jisung on the verge of breaking down.

He was breathing heavily as if he couldn't get enough air, his eyes were full of tears waiting to fall, his hair was a bit messy and his nose was red.

"What happened?"

"I- Mira.. Hangout.. K-Keychain, Likes Minho-"

"Sungie, I can't understand. Here, lie down first."

Seungmin brought him to his bed and helped him calm down. He gave Jisung a glass of water and sat in front of him.

Once he lied down, Jisung let some tears fall, "I can trust Seungmin." He repeatedly told himself.

"Now, tell me."

"I was with Mira just now. S-She gave me a keychain, that Minho gave to her a few years ago when he c-confessed. She told me that she came back here also because she likes him."

Seungmin cursed to himself, "Jisung. I don't want you to worry about any of that right now. The one important is you. You need to make decisions for yourself, not anyone else. If you're not gonna talk to Minho about this, I will. You cannot and I won't allow you to continue hurting yourself. Let it all out. Don't hold yourself back."

Seungmin hugged Jisung who was wiping the tears that kept falling. He though he'd be strong enough to endure whatever what was happening to him, but he really did need Seungmin's comfort.

The following day at school...

Minho had been trying to talk to Jisung but the latter only responded half-heartedly.

Right now, they were in class, Mr. Lee was talking about a project everyone needed to do.

"It's due in 2 weeks so take your time. I've already decided the pairs and you just need to add your own twist to a song. Submit a recording by then."

"First pair, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin."

The students groaned, "Why two Elite 10 students in a pair???" They complained.

The list went on and Jisung secretly wished for him to be paired with Minho so they could spend more time together.

"Okay, Lee Minho and, Kang Mira."

"Last pair is Han Jisung with, Kim Yongsun?"

"Yongsun? As in, Solar?"

She walked up to him with a smile, "Hi, I'm Solar."

"Oh hi! I'm Jisung."

"Let's go over there." They went to the corner of the classroom so it was less noisy.

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