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"Why me?"

"Jisung-ah, I'm not giving you this job to trouble you. You're aware of the vacant place in the Elite 10, right?"


"In return for being his assistant, Minho will be helping and guiding you in getting into the Elite 10."

"Are you sure?" As much as he didn't want to, Jisung was actually considering the offer. He's dreamed of being in a big agency to debut his whole life. Being in the Elite 10 could help set off his possible career as a music producer.

"I'm 100 percent sure. The Elite 10 share a house within the university's property. It's privately owned and you have a choice to stay in that house or go to school early in the morning everyday."

"I'm allowed to stay there?"

"Yup. You will have your own room. There are also 2 assistants and 2 maids within the house."

"Okay. When do I start?"

"Your job is to accompany him in judging events, notifying him of his schedule, and helping in organizing his schedules. You'll basically be like a secretary. If you're up for it, you won't have to attend classes. The others will be helping you."

"Alright. I'll do it."

"Great. You start tomorrow. You can skip class to pack up. I'll be sending a driver to pick you up in 4 hours. Within the next 20 minutes, your parents will be receiving a notification informing them that you'll be living in the house. Minho's schedules will be sent to you through an email. The Elite 10 has an office on the 7th floor, if the members aren't on their schedules or in the house, they'll be there. That's all for now. I'll see you soon."

Jisung stood up and bowed before heading home.

"What shit have I gotten myself into."

*Ring Ring Ring*

Jisung's phone rang and he picked up the call lazily, "Hello? Mom?"


"Only for the time being. I ranked first within the whole school so I got an offer. I could get into the top 10 students of the school mom."

"But I'm sad that you're moving." Jisung could imagine her looking sad.

"I'll be back in a few months. I also go home during holidays, it's not like I'm going abroad."

"Fine. I know you're near the house, I'll help you pack."


The phone call ended and Jisung arrived at his house, he walked into his room as soon as he got there and brought out his suitcase. He was already done packing a few clothes before his mom knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Do you need help?"

"In my 19 years of living, you have never once helped me pack but only nagged and distracted me. It's appreciated though."

"You have a point."

Jisung went back into his closet and grabbed more clothes.

"Ah, Jisung-ah. Give me a call if you're being bullied okay? I'll beat them up for you."

"Mom! You're supposed to tell me not to do that!"

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