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With Jisung...

He sat in the empty classroom with nothing to do while a teacher was checking papers. It wasn't Mrs. Im but someone who was probably assigned to watch over him.

He looked at the clock in anticipation but was disappointed to see the time, "45 minutes left?"

Jisung's phone suddenly made a "ding" sound, making him look at the teacher, asking if he could take a look at it. He sighed and nodded before continuing to check the papers.

Jisung took out his phone to see the message.


Doyoung hyung: Hey Sungie, Chan told me about you taking the blame but my shift ends in 15 minutes so I won't be able to pick you up later. I'm sorry :(( Pls be safe on the way back!

Jisung: its fine hyung. I can walk back home.

Doyoung hyung: alright, I'll make it up to you some other time, sorry again!


Jisung closed his phone and jumped into the same hole of boredom and silence.

"I guess I won't be going to that cheesecake shop with Seungmin anymore. I was so excited for that too.."

"No! Jisung, you're doing this to help Changbin!" He mentally hit himself.

Back with the others...

"Where are you going?" Jeongin asked Seungmin.

Seungmin toed his shoelaces, "To the cheesecake shop me and Jisung were planning to go to. I'm gonna stay there for a bit then I'll buy a cake for him to eat when he gets back."

"That's cool. Have fun!"


Seungmin grabbed his coat and left the house, making his way towards the shop near the school.

"Hi, I would like a slice of blueberry cheesecake and an americano please."

"Of course. Is that all?" The staff asked him.

"Right! Jisung! Um I also want a cheesecake to go."

"Okay. Please wait a few minutes and your food will be ready."

"Okay. Thank you." Seungmin paid for the food and waited at a small booth beside the window of the shop.

"Here's your food." The staff placed a plate with his cheesecake and americano with a box in a paper bag which had Jisung's cheesecake inside.

Seungmin took out his laptop and began working on some school assignments while eating his food.


"I'm back!" Jisung was a little sweaty and even more worn out after that long walk from school, but all he wanted to do was sleep.

Chan saw him entering the house and greeted him, "Good evening Jisung."

"I won't eat dinner anymore." He replied.

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