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It's been a week and what Minho said to Jisung was still on his mind.

Whike they were eating dinner, Jisung's dad noticed him being more quite than usual"Is there something bothering you?"

Right now, they were eating dinner and discussing some things.

"Yeah. But it's not that big. You don't have to worry."

"Whatever you say."

"Jisung," His mother called him.

"Mrs. Kim told me that your clothes are getting worn out, so on Saturday, you can bring your friends, go to the mall and buy some new clothes. We'll donate your old ones."

"Okay mom."


After they finished eating dinner, Jisung had a video call with Seungmin.


"Tomorrow, let's meet up in the library before classes, I'll introduce you to my friend Felix."


"Also I heard from Chan hyung that exams are next week."

Jisung widened his eyes, "WHAT?"

"We should be lucky to know about this. The school would usually tell us about exams 3 days before."

"Thanks for telling me?"


What Jisung's mom said appeared in his thoughts.

"Seungminnie, do you want to go with me to the mall on the weekend? I'm gonna buy some new clothes."



During the weekend...

Jisung met Felix 2 days ago and they got along really well. He was kind of shocked at how deep his voice could go but it didn't really affect his first impression on him.

"Felix! Seungmin!" Jisung walked towards the two who were currently waiting for him at a cafe.

"Hey! You're here!" Felix greeted him.

"Yup! Let's go?"


They went into the department store and started looking for clothes, "You know Jisung, I think you should try out a new style."

"What? Why?"

"Hyunjin told me about what Minho said to you last week. You've also been spacing out a lot so I figured that it was still on your mind. You should prove Minho wrong by changing your style!"

Felix overheard them and clapped enthusiastically, "I agree!"

"We're also allowed to dye our hair so do you want to try a dark brown?"

"Maybe later..."

Felix picked out a few clothes for him to try out and told him to come out of the fitting room wearing each outfit. The first one was a white longsleeve button up tucked into black jeans with chains hanging off.

"Hey! Jisung's stepping up!"

"I would die to see Changbin wearing that." Felix said.

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