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He happily replied unlike his past answers, "You're gonna start practicing for the competition to determine who's taking the 8th place."


"I'll be giving you choreographies I learned in middle school."

"Two days? That's so short. I'm nowhere near being as good as Minho, even when he was in middle school!"


They went into the room and Minho immediately went to set up the songs on the speaker. Jisung put their things down on the floor.

"You know Chan hyung's song Levanter, right?"


"I want you to learn off of the dance practice video. I'll be back in an hour."

He left the room while Jisung walked towards the computer and saw the dance videos on queue.

"Let's start!"

An hour later...

Minho came back inside the practice room, "Where were you?" Jisung asked him.

"In the studio with Changbin. Are you done with one song?"

"Sort of. I still need to practice a little more."

"Let me see how you're doing." He unpaused the song and the younger immediately started to get into his position.

At first, he was doing really well, but he made a mistake and forgot a small detail. This didn't go unnoticed by Minho, "Stop. You forgot to reach your arm out."

He walked towards him and demonstrated it while he followed.

"You can do this instead to make it easier to move."

"Alright. Thanks."

The older walked away and sat against the wall, watching as Jisung practiced.

Everytime he struggled to learn a move, he'd ask Minho who would explain it to him easily.

"Now I see why they put him in 1st place."

4 hours later...

The past few hours, the two of them have been practicing nonstop. Well, mostly Jisung. He finished one song so far and just needed a lot of practice on it. He even considered staying in the practice room for the night.

"Do you wanna go get lunch?" He asked the older.

He didn't reply but only continued dancing.

"I guess not..." Hannie drank the water and put it back before practicing again.

After a few minutes, he couldn't handle his hunger, "I'm going to the cafeteria to get a sandwich."

He left the room and went to the school's cafeteria to satisfy his hunger.

He bought a sandwich and made his way back. Right now, everyone was having lunch, so a lot of students were roaming around the school. Once he got back to the practice room, students were trying to get inside but the door was locked. Minho was clearly visible, sitting on the floor using his phone. Jisung managed to pass through the other students and knocked on the door which grabbed his attention.

He unlocked the door, only letting Jisung in.

"Hey. I got you a sandwich."

"No thanks. I don't eat that type of food."

"Then what type of food do you eat?? Gold infused steak?"

"Let's start practicing again."

"Start with the second one already." Minho stated.


At the end of the day...

Jisung learned one dance choreography and is almost finished with the second one. Minho's been really helpful and patient with him.

"Let's stop here for the day. We'll come back tomorrow. You did better than I expected today, good job." He patted Jisung's back.

"Heh. I got a compliment. Finally."


The two of them went home for the day.

"Oh hey! You two are back!" Seungmin greeted them.

"Yeah?" Hyunjin appeared from the living room, giving Seungmin a gentle hug from behind.

"Hey guys. We danced at the school's practice room all day."

"Don't forget to start packing though. The trip is in 4 days."

Minho made his way to his bedroom whole Jisung stayed downstairs to talk with the couple,"What are we gonna be doing on this trip anyways?"

"It's famous for getting rid of incompetent students. I heard that this year, the mentors will be way stricter. Last year, one of the mentors expelled 26 students in 3 days."

Jisung looked down nervously, "That's scary.."

Seungmin nodded, "It is. Even the Elite 10 are required to join. Only two of our seniors don't have to go."

"Hmm. You guys are gonna be in a separate bus?"

"No. We're joining it like everyone else. The mentors can still eliminate the Elite 10 members if we mess up. I've been practicing my dancing with Hyunjin these past few weeks to pick up choreographies faster. You probably won't have a problem though, the number one student is teaching you." Hyunjin smirked.

"He's still strict."

"Then the better the results! In a few days, Chan and Changbin hyung want you to go with them to the studio to see your music producing and singing skills."

"Okay! Thanks guys! I'll be going to sleep now."

"Good night!" They waved bye to him as he made his way into his room.

"Maybe I should practice one more time here." His room was fairly bigger than an average bedroom, it even had a walk in closet. Jisung placed his phone on the table and it immediately started playing the song.

He remembered all the demonstrations and advice Minho gave him earlier and made sure to pay attention to each move. At the end of the song, he ended up being more than satisfied with how it looked. His moves looked light and fast.

"Okay okay, I'm done. I might die if I practice any more, I need to sleep." He got ready for bed and got into his sheets, falling asleep quickly.


"You keep getting it wrong. Put you leg behind the other. You're just bending it in place."

Jisung moved his leg swiftly, "Like this?"

"That's better. You're doing better physically compared to yesterday." Minho noticed how much more lively and active he was.

"I finally got a good 9 hours of sleep yesterday."

"Anyways, from the top."

"7, 8! 1, 2, 3, 4.. 5, 6, 7, 8! Nice!"

Jisung jumped happily, "I finally did it correctly!!" He high-fived Minho and continued practicing with him.

"That's it. We're done with the second one. Good job."

Jisung smiled excitedly before changing the song to the last one. This one was a bit more difficult, having a lot of smaller details to remember.

"I'm gonna let you learn this on your own." Minho knew that the first competition for 8th place was singing, next would be rapping, and finally dancing. He stepped back and sat down again, watching Jisung slowly repeat the moves.

The younger sighed and played the song, dancing to it the best he could do.

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