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Jisung woke up and saw Minho sleeping beside him. He missed him.

Jisung stared at Minho for a bit then got up and got ready for the day.

"Hannie? Where are you going?" Minho was awake now, seeing Jisung about to leave the room.

"I have um- a-"

"Can you stay here? Let's talk for a while."

"About what?"

"A few things."

The younger put his bag down and sat on the bed.

"Okay. Talk."

"I-" Minho sighed. He didn't know how to put it into words.

"About the other day.. I'm really sorry. It's my fault I forgot and I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive me."

"Why did you forget in the first place?"

"I don't know. I won't forget about our dates again. I promise."

Jisung couldn't resist Minho's apology,"Fine. I forgive you."

"Yes!" Minho hugged him tight.

"I have a breakfast meeting with someone. I have to go now."

"I'll see you later?"


"Let's meet at the mall we always go to for our dates."

"Okay!" Jisung kissed him on the cheek and picked up his bag, leaving the house like he was supposed to.

Later around lunch...

Jisung and Minho just ended a call and Minho was on his way to the mall. The younger was sitting at a bench outside, using his phone.

"Jisung!" Someone called him from a distance.

"Hm?" The latter looked around. "Oh, hi!" He stood up and hugged Minho.

"Have you eaten lunch already?"


"Alright, I wanna take you somewhere."

Jisung eyes him suspiciously, "Are you gonna kidnap me?"

The older chuckled, "No, I'm not. I'm bringing you to a place I think you'd like."

They got into the car and Minho started driving.

"Are you driving us back home!"

He sighed and shook his head.

"You'll see." Minho replied.


"Ji? We're here." Minho got out of his seat and opened the door, revealing a sleeping Jisung.

Minho slightly tapped his shoulder and Jisung's eyes fluttered open.

"H-Huh? We're here?"

"Heheh, you're so cute. Yes we're here."

Jisung got out of the car while holding hands with Minho.

He looked around and realized that they were at the beach.

There weren't a lot of people since it was a weekday, so it wasn't noisy. It rained the day before too, so the sky wasn't too sunny and the atmosphere was calming enough for Jisung.

Jisung exhaled the breath he was holding in, "I really needed this." He turned to Minho, "Thank you so much."

"Is there anything wrong?"

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