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The next week...

Jisung was currently with the class representatives at the venue of the school fair.

He was listening to Chenle, "This is nice. We can hold the concert in the middle of th-"

A girl with dark brown hair interrupted them, handing Jisung a list."Jisung! This is the list of restaurants that will set up shops here for the fair. We need two more to fill the empty spaces."

"Hm. Try these three. You can ask them to move on the other side to make more space. Put the tables and chairs in front of the stage so it's more convenient."

She nodded and was about to say another thing until Jisung spoke again. "Guys, you can head back to the school. I need to go to the house for Minho's schedule. I'll see you tomorrow!"

He hurried and got into the car, asking Doyoung to get back to the house as soon as possible. It's only been a week but maybe Jisung was getting a little tired from working as Minho's assistant and the one in charge of an important school event. Just a little.

He ran into the house and saw Minho waiting, "You're late. Again."

"I-I'm sorry, the representatives asked me to-"

"I didn't say that to hear your excuses. Let's go."

Again, the two of them were in the car, on the way to the office.

They arrived soon with Minho attracting a crowd of students like the usual.

"Jisung, get me iced coffee from the cafe."

"Jisung." He called his assistant again.

He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and, "Huh? Oh okay."

He left the office and walked, past the cafe and into the clinic,

"Hi, can I borrow a blanket?" He asked the nurse.

She nodded and gave him a dark blue blanket.

"Thank you!"

He went back to the office, "Hmm, why would he want a blanket? It's not that cold in the office."

"Here." He gave it to Minho.

"What is this? Why did you give me a blanket?"

"You asked for one."

"Are you dumb? I asked for iced coffee not a fucking blanket!"

Jisung looked back at what the older asked from him earlier, "Fuck. I must've misheard him." He told himself.

"I'm sorry. I'll get it now."

He ran out and ordered an iced coffee hurriedly.

He ran back to the office and gave it to Minho.

The older glared at him and drank the coffee.

"Snap out of it and stop making mistakes." He cursed at himself.

Han walked in front of the older who didn't even spare a glance at him. "The class you evaluated last week made it through the first round of the competition. They need your opinion on their da-"

Minho stood up and walked out of the office, catching Jisung off-guard. He ran and caught up with him.

"They're in the same practice room."

"Could he be mad at me? ...I hope not."

They walked in silence even until entering the room.

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