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2 weeks later... (Bc your author is lazy hehe)

"All right students, find your own seat. I gave you a 2 days to study and I think that was plenty of time. You have 2 hours to complete the test."

"Once you turn it in, I'll be checking them in front of you. If you fail, I'll give you a new paper and 2 more hours. Your teachers for the next period will be informed if you are retaking the test so don't worry about that."

Another teacher walked inside the auditorium, "This is Mr. Choi. He's a teacher from the same department and will be helping me in checking the papers."

The teacher greeted the students and gave them each their papers.

"Your time starts...now."

Jisung had been extremely focused on studying these two days that he barely went out of his room.


Jisung heard his mom enter his room but didn't dare to look away from his notes.

"Hannie, you should eat dinner. You haven't been out of your room in 5 hours."

"Mom, I'm not hungry. I still have a few pages of notes to study. I'll just ask mrs. Kim to heat up the food when I'm done."

"Are you sure? You're dad and I are going to a dinner party, so we'll be back really late. If you need anything I'll leave some money and just ask the driver to bring you."

Not many know it, but Jisung's family is very wealthy. They both own a law firm and are lawyers. They're also very supportive, not really minding when their son came out as gay to them. They'd often go on business trips since they have another law firm abroad.

"Goodnight mom."

"Goodnight Jisung."

3 hours later...

"I'm done!" Jisung closed the notebook in front of him and celebrated by dancing weirdly.

He checked the time, "2am!? School starts in 4 hours."

He quickly washed up and went to bed.


Jisung found the test relatively easy and finished right after Seungmin. This amazed the teachers as no one would finish as fast as him.

Seungmin's paper was being checked by Mr. Lee so Jisung went to Mr. Choi.

"You're quite fast Jisung. We're only 35 minutes into the test."

"I studied a lot for this."

"That's good. The checking will take around 2 minutes so you can go back to your seat and come here once I call your name."

"Okay thank you."

Jisung walked back to his seat and was greeted by Seungmin.

"You're so fast! I've never seen anyone in this class finish the test almost as soon as me."

"Thanks Minnie. I guess this is why you're in the Elite 10."

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