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Jisung woke up in Minho's arms and this time, he didn't run away. He let himself enjoy this peaceful moment before getting up and getting ready for the day.

"Minho? Wake up. Come on."

The older didn't respond but pulled Jisung back into the bed.

"10 more minutes. We don't have classes today."

"But I have practice. Come on, you and the others are supposed to have a capture the flag activity or something."

"I don't wanna go."

"If you don't go then I'll tell Chan hy-"

The older suddenly sat up, "I suddenly feel awake."

"Heh. I'm gonna take a shower in the bathroom. You can have breakfast in the kitchen. The others are already eating."

"Okay." Jisung went to the bathroom while Minho proceeded to go to the kitchen.

"Was Jisung crying last night?" Seungmin asked.

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"I heard someone crying last night. And you scolding him. Mine and Hyunjin's room is really near. I couldn't not hear it."

"Oh. Good to know."

"Are you two friends now?"

"Yeah. I don't wanna act like a bitch around him anymore and he's done with my bullshit so I guess we're good." Minho showed him finger guns before walking to the living area.


Jisung just finished getting ready and walked out of the bathroom. He was wearing black jeans with a cropped dark blue sweater and a white shirt underneath.

"Are Changbin and Felix done getting ready?" He asked Seungmin.

"Yup. They're at the studio now."

"Alright. Thanks."

Jisung wore his shoes and left the suite, hurrying up to get to the studio.

He entered the room and saw the two talking in the control room.

"Am I allowed to eat bananas without peeling the-" Felix was in the middle of asking an irritated Changbin a question when he saw Jisung.

"Hey Hannie!"

"Hey guys." He greeted them.

Changbin stood up from his chair "Now that you're here. Let's start!"



15 minutes before the concert...

"You guys know what to do right?" Changbin asked.

"Yup. You'll perform your lines first, then Felix, then me!" Jisung clapped.

The three of them put in their earpiece and hugged one last time before walking onto the stage.

"Hey guys!!" Felix waved at the crowd of students and teachers, receiving cheers in reply.

"We'll be performing our own version of Again & Again so I hope you all look forward to it!" Jisung shouted. Som students murmured to themselves while some supported him.

"I guess the difference between a normal student and Elite 10 member is that big huh."

Jisung shook the negative thought off and asked the staff to play the song.

"Let's get it!!!" Changbin shouted out loud.

Nearing the end of the performance...

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