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Jisung and Minho were in the car, singing their hearts out to Day6 songs.

"WHY AM I ALONEEEEE?" Jisung screamed in the car.

"Wh- Hey! Your boyfriend is beside you!"

"Oh yeah. I AM NOT ALONE-"

"Sungie, you'll lose your voice by the time we get to the mall."

"Day6 needs my full appreciation."

Minho sighed and looked back at the road.


"Where do you want to go first?"

Jisung looked around before pointing at a clothing store near them, "Let's go to that store over there. I wanna see if there's anything I'd like."


They walked into the small store and started looking around. Jisung saw a black headband and raised it in the air.

"Minho, try this on. I think it'll look great on you."

He reached his hand out to the older and gave him the headband. Minho put it on and ruffled his hair a bit.

Jisung giggled at how pure he looked, "Your hair is so messy now." He ran his hand through the latter's hair and fixed it.

"Does it look good on me? The headband?"

"Hmm? Yeah, it suits you a lot. I'll buy it for you. Consider it a gift from when you bought me that bracelet." Jisung moved his sleeve and shook his wrist to show the matching bracelet he and Minho had.

"You don't have to."

"No! I want to."

"Alright fine."

They went up to the cashier and paid for the headband.

"Thank you!" The staff said as they exited the store.

"Let's get some food." The two went to the food court on the next floor and ordered some pizza.

"Hm. This is good."

"Yup." Minho agreed.

"I wanna buy a new phone, can we go to the-"

"Minho?" Someone called for him.

"Huh? Who was that?" Jisung looked around.

"What a coincidence! You guys are here!"

Minho could only glare at her and ignore whatever she said. On the other hand, Jisung was more.. quiet than usual.

"Are you guys on a date?"

"Y-Yeah." Jisung replied. For some reason, talking to her was making him feel small and insecure. Maybe it was because she used to date Minho.

"Can I join you? I don't have friends and I planned on going shopping today.."

Minho scoffed, "You seriously think we'll let you join our date?"

Jisung nudged him in the arm, "Don't you feel bad? She's alone."

"So what? Let her be alone."

Jisung tried to smile brightly at her, "You can join the two of us for the time being."

"Really!? Thank you!" She smiled at him and looked at Minho. Her eyes were different compared to when she was looking at Jisung though. They were softer in a way.

"I sure feel like shit when I'm talking to her."

To stop the awkward silence, Jisung spoke up again. "Let's go to the phone store, I need to buy a new one."

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