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Jisung has been working his ass off the past week. The event was tomorrow and dancing wasn't exactly Jisung's best skill. He'd also been helping Changbin with ideas and lyrics for new songs.


"Hannie? Can you help me with this part? It's too short, we need to put more words."

"Okay! We can replace it with this line so the flow looks better. Try to experiment with it a little."


"Hey, I need to go to practice. Seungmin wants to help me with my vocals or something."

"Okay! I'll see you later then."

"Bye!!" Han ran out of the studio and went to the practice room he and Minho used to train.

"Sorry I'm a little late! I was with Changbin."

"That's fine. Now let's start. Try singing these high notes."

Jisung nodded and warmed up his voice before trying to reach the high notes.

"Wait. That's okay but I want you to try this." Seungmin opened his mouth really wide and began singing, reaching the high notes easily.

Jisung tried it too and got a better result than the last.

"That's a lot better."


"Hey! Sorry, I was with Seungmin."

"It's fine. You're almost done learning the choreo right? It doesn't hurt to be a little late."

"Right. Okay, then I'll start immediately."

Jisung played the song and ran in front of the mirror. He started following the dance he's been learning for the past few days.

"Don't be stiff, I want you to act as if you're freestyle dancing. Just follow the moves and be relaxed." Minho demonstrated the moves again.

End of flashback...

Even after all the practice and advice he received from the others, he couldn't help but be nervous for the next day. Right now, they were eating dinner downstairs. The whole school day tomorrow would he cancelled just for the 1st competition. Jisung was going up against a guy named Choi Minjae who was in another class, he was apparently skilled in vocals but the first round was only about dancing, so hopefully he'd win.

"Jisung?" Hyunjin called him.


"What are you performing tomorrow?"

"Double knot."

"The one Minho made?" He asked.

"Yup. He's been helping me this whole week."

Chan laughed, "Wow, he finally came around."

Minho turned his head towards Chan, "Hey!"

"What? You were the one who acted like a dick at first."


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