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The next morning...

*Beep Beep Beep*

Jisung woke up from his alarm and checked the time,

"If this is how I'll be living, I should be getting paid."

He went to the bathroom and took a shower for around 15 minutes. Once he finished, he wore an oversized white shirt with pants and one suspender clipped on his jeans. He also wore a red jacket so he wouldn't be too cold.

The tablet charging on the bedside table ringed, making Jisung check it immediately.

"6:45 - 8:20 | Go to the office and work on proposals.
8:20 - 8:50 | Meeting with class representatives.
8:50 - 11:30 | Attend dance competition as a judge.
11:30 - 12:35 | Training session at the gym.
12:35 - 1:15 | Go back to the house to have lunch."

The list went on and on until 6pm. How did they expect Jisung to do all this with a top tier student?

Jisung went downstairs to have breakfast quickly. He checked the time, "5:57." He went upstairs and slowly opened Minho's door to be greeted by him sleeping peacefully.

He gently tapped Minho but he stayed still.


He heard the other groan, "Get out."

"No. You have to be at school in 30 minutes. Come on."

Minho threw a pillow at him and hid under the covers.

Jisung protested, "I'm not leaving unless you get up."

"I don't want someone like you in my room. Just wait outside."

Jisung felt a little hurt by the comment but decided to trust him, walking out of the room and staying beside the door while waiting.

20 minutes later...

Jisung couldn't wait anymore and was about to go inside until the door opened. Minho walked out of the room and didn't even dare to look at Jisung.

"You'll be doing proposals in the school's office until 8:20am. After that you'll have to judge a dance competition at-"

"I know. Let's go before you make me late."

The two of them went downstairs and saw Seungmin eating breakfast, he greeted them but only Jisung replied with a good morning.

They went into the car and headed towards the university.

Jisung was drinking tea while waiting for Minho to finish working.

"You're getting on my nerves again." He heard the older speak.


"Get me coffee and cheesecake in the cafe downstairs. Don't be noisy, classes just started. Use my credit card." Minho took it from his wallet and gave it to Jisung.

He nodded and walked out of the office, calmly walking towards the cafe.

He ordered a plain coffee and two slices of blueberry cheesecake in hopes that the older would give him the other slice. He made his way upstairs again and walked into the office.

"H-Here." Jisung put the coffee in front of him and put the cheesecake on the table beside the couch.

Minho drank the coffee, "What the fuck is this?"

"Your coffee?"

"I want iced coffee. Go buy another one downstairs. Hurry up."

Jisung nodded and rolled his eyes secretly, going to the cafe again.

"Huh? Why are you here again?" One of the staff asked, it was quite unusual for a customer to come back unless they left something.

"Heh. My um.. friend... wants iced coffee."

"Sure. That'll be $2."

"Here." Without thinking, Jisung brought out his own money and paid for the drink.

"Wait. Did I just use my own money?"

He put hid hand in his other pocket and took out the credit card.

"Oh well."

Soon the drink was finished and given to Jisung.

He entered the office once again.

"Here's your coffee."

"I need you to do some things regarding the proposal. The list is on the chair."

Jisung walked there and saw the list, "This should be alright. I know how to do it anyways."

After an hour, he finished and closed the laptop. He saw Minho holding his stomach, so he stood up, brought the cheesecake out from the box and put it on a plate. He gave it to Minho who looked at the food with a surprised face before taking a bite.

He finished it quickly, which weirdly relieved Jisung.

"We need to go. You have a meeting with the class representatives regarding the theme of the school fair."

He nodded but was stopped by the younger, "Wait. Your tie is crooked."

Before Jisung could fix it, he was pushed away while Minho who fixed it himself, "I can do it myself." He glared at Jisung.

The two of them walked out of the office which was surrounded by students on break trying to look into it. The moment they exited the room, all eyes were on them. Jisung heard some of the gossiping,

"No way. Han Jisung's his assistant? I'm jealous."

"He's a jerk, doesn't even say thank you. Why would you be jealous?"

"They're so cool. They look good together."

The comments just made him annoyed.

They arrived at the meeting room where all the other students were waiting.

"Chenle?" Jisung saw his friend.

The black haired boy smiled and waved at him, earning a glare from Minho.

"Who's idea is first?" He asked.

"Me." A girl stood up, playing a video of her proposal.

After the video ended, Minho didn't say anything but only asked for the next person.

Even when everyone was done, he didn't look pleased at all. "This is all you can give me?"

The students looked down in shame.

"I'm s-sorry." Chenle tried to apologize.

"Why are you saying sorry to me? You should be sorry to everyone who helped you do the work even though you ended up with such a disappointing result. Take responsibility for your fucking actions and apologize to those who wasted their time on you."

Minho didn't seem to notice but Chenle wiped a tear coming out from his eye. Jisung couldn't handle it and stood up, "You can all go to your classes now. We'll have another meeting soon."

Jisung and Minho stood up, leaving the room.

"Don't you think you were too harsh? He's still younger than us."

"Just mind your own business. He can't expect everything to go right in his life."

"...You have a competition to attend.. I already called Doyoung hyung to pick us up. He's at the entrance of the school."

Jisung opened the car door for Minho and got into the seat beside the driver.

"We have 20 minutes until we arrive. Please get some rest."


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