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The next week...

"Jisung? Are you done?"

Minho was waiting downstairs and Felix was knocking on his door.

It was actually pretty ironic, how their date seemed to have had to be on this day.

Jisung was getting ready when he saw the bracelet on his wrist.

The night before, he'd written a letter for Minho that Seungmin would give to him after their date.

Jisung sighed at the sight of the bracelet and took it off with a heavy heart. He took a sticky note and wrote "<3" with the bracelet resting on top of the note.

He smiled and took his bag before leaving the room, going downstairs to see Minho.

Today, he was more clingy than usual, more affectionate. Minho didn't mind, he actually liked it.

Jisung held Minho's hand while they walked to the park peacefully.



"I missed going on dates."

"I missed it too."

Jisung cling onto Minho's right arm and leaned on Minho's shoulder, resting his head on it.

"Have I ever told you that you're cute?"

Jisung giggled,"Yes. You have."

"That's good." Minho pecked him on the cheek again and laughed it off.

"Wh- Hey!"

Jisung laughed too as they arrived in the park.

"This is nice."

The park had many flowers and trees, a small area to have picnics and barbecues. It was a really beautiful place.

Minho and Jisung sat down on a bench and just talked about anything that came to their mind.

"I'll go get some drinks for us."

Minho stood up and walked towards the small stand that was selling some beverages and snacks.

Jisung watched him walk away and looked back down into his own lap, he didn't realize how nervous he was but his fingers were almost shaking and he's been picking at his nails.

Jisung looked back up and saw someone familiar walking to him.

"Hi Jisung!"  She waved at him.

"H-Hi Mira."

"Are you alone?"

"No. I'm with Minho today."

"Ohh." She looked around and leaned more towards him to whisper, "Well, you remember how I said I liked Minho?"


"I'm confessing today!"

Jisung smiled weakly with dead looking eyes. "That's great. I wish you good luck."

He didn't know why he was saying that. It was his boyfriend they were talking about. But it seemed like he already learned how,

how to let go.

Minho came back and saw Mira sitting beside Jisung.

"What are you doing here" He asked, giving Jisung a cold bottle of water.

"Thank you." He took a sip before closing it again.

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