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Both of their hearts were racing and their faces were so close that a push could get them to kiss.

Minho couldn't wait anymore, moving his face towards the younger's, colliding their lips.

Jisung responded, putting his arms around his neck and kissed Minho back shyly.

After a few moments, Jisung broke away and looked at Minho with bright eyes.

"So.. are we dating now?" The older asked.

"I want to take it a little slower first, let's go on a date tomorrow. There's not much on your schedule."


"Are you done eating?"

"I'm not hungry."

"You're never hungry. One day, I might just shove some food in your mouth while you're sleeping to save you from starvation."


"I said that as a joke at first but I actually will if you don't eat."

Jisung hugged him and chuckled as the two of them watched the view from their seats.


The two of them went home and were now in each of their rooms.

"I did not just kiss him." Jisung put his hand over his mouth.

It only hit him now that he kissed the person who he's hated since he arrived at this school. He must've been delusional to act so normal right after his first kiss.

He couldn't help but get flustered every once in a while. His heart was still beating really fast and he couldn't look at Minho as a friend anymore. It's as if he got more attractive within a few hours.


He ran to his closet and began digging in his closet to look for something decent.

The next day...

Seungmin knocked on Jisung's door for the nth time, "Jisung? Are you done? You've been in your room for quite a while."

"I NEED HELP!" He shouted back.

Seungmin came in the room to see Jisung freaking out about something.

"What do you need help in? Mental problems? Because if so, I'm sorry I'd just make it worse."

"This brown beret? Or this black one?"

"Brown does not go with yellow and black. You can just go as a bee though."


"What are you even getting ready for?"

He suddenly got shy but shrugged, trying to act cool. "Something.."

Seungmin snapped his finger after he realized it, "JISUNGIE ARE YOU GOING ON A DATE? BUT WITH WHO? THEY BETTER BE UP TO MY STANDARDS."

"You know them." Jisung wore the black beret and smirked at Seungmin before walking out of the room.

"I'm not dumb you asshat I know it's Minho."


"No wonder both of you looked like tomatoes when you came home last night. He's also whipped to a level even I can't reach."

"Fine! Please don't tell the others, they'll tease us to death."

"Okay. Chill. I have a full schedule and my assistant's taking classes. I won't be able to spend time with the others today at all."

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