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Minho finished talking and looked down at himself, afraid of Jisung's reaction. "Yeah. Um. That's what happened. I'm sorry if it was too long or sudden, I've never talked to anyone about it before."

"It wasn't. I appreciate you telling me about this." Jisung reassured him and cupped his cheek, making him feel comfortable.

"Why aren't you with your parents now though?" Jisung asked him while intertwining his hand with Minho's.

"I couldn't really face my mom after the whole thing, I started talking with her recently but I don't plan on moving back. Me and my dad never really fought, he also helped me a lot when I was having a hard time."

"Hmm. That's good."

Minho checked the time and looked back at his boyfriend, "An hour already passed. Do you want to eat anything?"

"No. It's okay, I'm not hungry. Let's just sleep for now?"


The two of them lied down in his bed and stayed close together.

The following day at school...

Jisung and Minho entered the school in a good mood after finding out the Elite 10's schedule was free on the weekend. They planned on going on a date since it's been a while.

"Where do you wanna go on Saturday?" The older questioned.

"Let's go to the mall! I wanna check out some new things."

"Haha, okay."

They walked into their first class together and sat near each other, still conversing with each other.

"Excuse me? Your name is Jisung right? I'm Kang Mira."

"What do you want." Minho replied.

She crossed her arms and showed Jisung a fake smile, "He's in my seat. Mr. Lee said we were seatmates yesterday."

"Then where is he supposed to sit?"

"Somewhere else? Class is about to start."

She signaled Jisung to move over and go to another seat, pointing beside Jeongin.

Jisung was about to go when Minho held his wrist, "Stay here. She doesn't have to sit beside me."

"Minho, this could be your chance to make up with her. Who knows? She could be really regretful about going to America and would want to apologize."


"I'll be fine with Jeongin, he's a fun seatmate anyway. I'll talk with you after class." Jisung took his bag and let Mira sit in his seat while he went to the empty desk beside Jeongin.

"Jisung? What're you doing here?"

"Mira's sitting in my seat, I'll stay here for today?"

"Fine with me." Jeongin gave him a bright smile.

Jisung wasn't gonna show it, but he was a little hurt after Mira told him to sit somewhere else. It was only about a seat though, nothing big.

Mr. Lee entered the room and the class started.

"Today, we'll be having a lecture."

After class...

*Mr. Lee went up to Jisung before the class ended and told him something.*

"Sungie? Where are you going?" Minho asked him.

"Mr. Lee wants to talk to me about something. I'll just see you at lunch."

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