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Jisung heard Seungmin talking to Minho since he left his room.

"Sungie? Please let me apologize." The older tried turning the door knob but it was no use.

"What were you doing anyway? What were you doing that could've possibly be more important than a date with your boyfriend?"

Jisung rushed towards the door and tried to listen to what he was gonna say.

"I was at dinner with Mira-" Minho realized what he said and stopped mid-sentence.

"Dinner? Mira? Huh. I guess that's why I got stood up. He probably prefers someone like her." Jisung went back to his bed.

Those thoughts just came back to his mind, making him cry even more.


"Her?! Over Jisung?" Seungmin pointed at the door.

"She's not as bad as you think Seungmin."

"Yeah, weren't you the one who was pissed at her for leaving you? Now you're defending her? I'm not gonna shout at you for this, but I really am disappointed in you for forgetting about a date. If this happens again, I'm not gonna forgive you." He left the hallway and went into his bedroom.

Minho hit Jisung's door in a fist from frustration. "Ugh."

Jisung got startled at the sudden hit and jumped. He didn't move but he just stared at the ceiling. "M-Minho."

"Yes? Sungie, please let me in."

"You had dinner with Mira?"

Minho paused and thought for a bit, "Yeah."

"It's getting late. Y-You should get to sleep."

"Will you go to my room?"

Jisung sniffled before replying, "N-No."


After that conversation, Jisung stayed quiet until he fell asleep.

The next day...

"Have you made up already?" Chan questioned Jisung.

"I want to but I'm afraid."

"Why? If you're dating, you two should trust each other."

"I do. I'm just not used to this."

"Alright, but we have that party on Saturday. You should be okay by then."

"Fine." Jisung walked faster and entered the classroom. He saw Minho and looked for a second before sitting beside Jeongin.

"Hi Innie."

"Good morning." Jeongin was drawing something so he didn't ask much questions.

Jisung looked behind him and saw Minho conversing with Mira as if they never had a misunderstanding.

"He looks happy."

Jisung faced front again and focused on what the professor has been saying.

After class, Jisung tried to approach Minho to apologize but he heard Mira talking to him.

"We should hurry. You have a meeting with your father."

"Okay." Minho smiled at her before exiting the school building.

"I'll just talk to him, later."


(With Minho)

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