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Minho was practically shaking from trying to keep calm. She didn't put her smile down and only looked around.

"Mira you can sit beside Minh-"

Jisung just watched helplessly as Minho struggled to keep himself from breaking down.

"What's happening? M-Minho?" He wanted to ask but the older seemed so distant from him at that moment.

She looked at Minho and locked eyes with him. It wasn't very long before he stood up from his desk and stormed out of the classroom.

"Minho!" Seungmin called for him.

"Hey!" Mr. Lee also called Minho.

Jeongin immediately whispered to him, "Go after him and calm him down now."


Jisung stood up and ran out of the classroom, Mira unintentionally bumping into him.

She looked at his direction before giving him a fake smile and going to her seat.

"This is really fucking bad." Seungmin murmured.

After school ended...

Jisung has been trying to get into Minho's room but the older has locked himself inside for the past few hours.

He was just in front of Minho's bedroom door, waiting for him to open up.

"Minho? Please come outside. It's getting late, you should eat.."

Jisung was worried out of his mind and couldn't even fall asleep.

Chan tapped his back, "Sungie, you should eat dinner. Come on."

"I'm not hungry."

"Yes you are. Give yourself at least 10 minutes to go downstairs and eat some food. You'll get sick if you don't eat."


"No, everyone just arrived. They're waiting. Let's go."

Chan and Jisung walked downstairs, seeing everyone else seated at the table.

They started eating dinner but it was more quiet than usual.

Hyunjin couldn't control his anger, "Fuck it. I can't handle this. WHY IS SHE HERE!?"

Jisung was so confused,"Who is sh-"

"She's a transfer student. She probably got back from America a few years ago. I just wasn't sure." Changbin told them.

"What are we gonna do about Minho?"  Felix asked.

Seungmin started fidgeting with his hands, "What else can we do? Let him be."

Jisung kept trying to ask but was continuously interrupted.

"Who is everyone talking about?" Jisung whispered to Seungmin.

It's as if they were too worried that they forgot Minho's boyfriend was sitting with them.

"O-Oh. Jisung, s-she's just.."

Seungmin had a "What do we tell him!?" look on his face as he averted his gaze to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin spoke, "Jisung. She's someone we all know. Something happened a few years ago and it's affected Minho.. a lot."

"What happened?"

"I think you should ask him."

"But how am I supposed to when he won't even let me enter his room?"

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