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The younger looked back at him with an unreadable expression.

"I think that I need to make something clear with you."

Jisung thought for a moment and sat back down after thinking about what Minho was gonna say.

"Me and Mira.."

"We're never gonna happen anymore. She's part of my past and I just took the chance to make up for the time lost these past few years. I'm with you now and I plan on making it stay like that for the rest of our lives. She has no feelings for me and I think the same. Please don't distance yourself from me if you feel like that. I'm worried and I want to be a good boyfriend."

Are you sure she has no feelings for you?

Jisung kept quiet as his mind went back to all the cliche but saddening moments that happened to him recently. It brought his confidence down to the point where he didn't know what he was doing anymore.

Minho held his hand and looked at him sincerely, "You know that I like you and that's not gonna change."

The latter exhaled the breath he was holding, instead of a reply, he kissed Minho on the lips.

Thank you for bringing this up.

"Right. I have a gift for you." Minho took the paper bag from the ground and brought out a cheesecake.

"Here's a little something." He took a fork and fed Jisung a small bite of the cake. Then, he proceeded to reach back into the bag, bringing out a polaroid camera.

"I bought this for us to use. I know it's not as much as Chan and Changbin's gift but-"

"I love it. Thank you." Jisung held it close to himself and looked at Minho with kind eyes.

"I know I haven't exactly been the best boyfriend, so I'll make sure to take you out on lots of dates to fill up a book with pictures."

Jisung grinned and kissed him on the cheek to say thanks again.

"Let's go. The others are probably waiting."

The succeeding day at school...

"Solar! Hi!" Jisung ran up to her before the class started.

"Well you seem to be in a good mood."

"I guess I am."

Mr. Lee arrived at the classroom and greeted everyone.

"For this period, I'll be giving you access to the school's recording studios so you can record your cover. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me." He sat down in his desk while other students made their way out of the classroom.

Solar and Jisung also left the classroom, moving towards the studio that wasn't already taken by the other students.

Jisung suddenly felt light headed but shrugged it off as a side effect from not eating breakfast.

"You go first." He sat down on the small chair as she nodded and entered the small room, wearing the headphones and warming up her voice.

"Okay! 3... 2.... 1.." Jisung gave her a thumbs up and started playing the song.


"That's it. We're done." He pulled the usb out of the laptop and gave it to her.

"This is our cover with an original version of the song in a separate folder. Let's give it to Mr. Lee now, we still have 20 minutes before class ends."

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