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After class...

"I'm so excited! We're having a campfire today!" Jisung started walking even faster.

"I don't want to go." Minho shook his head.

"No! You are going!" Changbin pointed at him.

"Why would I be staying outside watching wood burn when I can stay inside and sleep."

"Come on! It's time for you to start talking to people." Chan reasoned.

"I talk to you guys."

Jeongin protested, "We are not people. We are..um...living bonest and flesh?"

"Jeongin- just go talk to your stuffed toys. The grownups are talking." Felix said.

"Hey! You still play video games and complain about food! You don't have the right to tell me to do that!"

"Alright, you big babies stop fighting. We're outside, people are gonna hear you." Hyunjin walked with Jisung who seemed to be the only normal one as of that moment.

There were students already at the campfire but not too many. The 8 of them sat down a bit farther away from the campfire so it wouldn't get too hot. Jisung thought it was a bit chilly since it was nighttime but he didn't bother complaining. The stars were very clear that night, making the sky look almost perfect.

Jisung was staring at the sky until he felt a weight on his shoulder, he slowly turned his head to see Minho leaning on his shoulder.

"Minh-" He was about to wale him up, but he saw the older sleeping. He looked too peaceful to wake up, so he ended up letting him stay there.

"Having fun on your date?" Felix asked, his hand visibly intertwined with Changbin's.

Jisung didn't deny or reply, he only signaled him to be quiet so the other wouldn't wake up.

"He treats you like shit but you treat him like a god. You need some help." Changbin sighed.

"I'll go back to the room with him. You guys can go later." Jisung stood up, waking Minho up. He was still half-asleep when Jisung put his arm around him fo help him walk towards the suite.

When they arrived, Minho called for him sadly."J-Jisung.."


"Let's be friends!" Minho shouted, sounding almost drunk. But he was sure to remember this in the morning.


"Yay! Rock on!"

"Is he drunk!? How does someone sober, only half-asleep, act so differently?"

"Minho, we're in the room. Lie down on the bed. I'm gonna sleep on the couch."

Jisung was about to leave until his hand was caught by the older's.

"Don't leave me... stay here."

"Minho, I have to go to sleep, we have class tomorrow-"

"You can stay here with meeeee."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Whyy?" He patted the space beside him and even moved to make more space.

"A-Alright, fine."

Minho only smiled before letting go of his hand. Jisung lied down on his side of the bed and turned to face Minho. He was on the verge of falling too sleep, when he was suddenly pulled closer. Minho's arms wrapped around his body and he snuggled up to Jisung.

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