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We all rushed inside the hospital just for her

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We all rushed inside the hospital just for her

We saw Sierra waiting in the waiting room crying

"What happened?" Pablo asked

"She just passed out. And then i saw her stomach. Did you know she was hurt?" She was looking directly at me.

I nodded my head slowly

I looked back to where the doctor was.

My jaw clenched

This was making it even harder for me not to retaliate.

She was now in the hospital.
I wanted to find whoever did this to her and put their entire bloodline in the hospital or better yet in a coffin.

But i stopped myself.

I got closer when i saw a doctor approach the group.

"Family of Leigh-Anne Howard?" He looked up from her board as we all stood infromt of her.

"That's her husband." Chico blurted pointing at me.

My eyes narrowed

"No he means her Fiance." Pablo glared

These idiots.

"What they meant to say is her boyfriend." Benji sent a quick smile to the doctor while glaring at the two other idiots.

Who brought them here again?oh wait i did.

If looks could kill all three would've died

The doctor turned to me looking me over and then nodded. "Boyfriend right?"

I just stood there staring at him until Sierra elbowed me in the side and i nodded

"Urgh yeah. Boyfriend."

"Well, Miss Howard passed from the internal bleeding due to blunt trauma. And she may or may not have a broken rib and it's hospital protocol for me to ask, does Miss Howard have any abusive relationship with maybe parents or friend or even you." He added the last part uncertain

My gaze hardened.
"You think I'd lay my hands on her?"

He backed away from me slightly

"I just have to ask Sir." His voice was a bit shaky

I sighed
"No, her father's rarely home and she's not been physical abused. But she did have an encounter with a few assholes this week."

"Did the police get involved?" He asked

"Not yet but we will." Benji smirked.

He looked between us.

"We know where you live Doctor Evans." Pablo winked

And he backed away even more.

"Don't scare him." I frowned at the group.

"Is she okay doctor?" I asked.
There was no time for jokes.

Leigh-Anne needed to be okay.

"She's awake, but one at a time i guess."

He guesses?

What kind of fucked up doctor is this.

"Whatever." I didn't even want to question him as i made my way to her room.

I then walked back to the doctor

"Room number?" I questioned

"134 in the C Wing."

With a nod i was on my way.

I opened the door to her just staring at me smiling

"I knew you were going to be the first one here."

My eyes narrowed

"Oh come on Spooky. Smile a bit." She smirked

"Do you think i want to smile right now? You passed out. Why didn't you tell me anything? Apparently everything's fucked up in there." I ranted pointed towarss her stomach

"Okay Oscar you can stop now. We get it." She brushed me off.

Now i was pissed

"No you don't get it Leigh-Anne you got hurt and you're in the hospital! Stop acting like everything's okay because it's fucking not. Stop brushing everything under the carpet. Stop thinking everything's a joke. This is serious! This is your health." I glared.

I calmed down and she just sat there staring at me.

Her silence was driving me crazy
She drives me crazy.

"You know you're kinda hot when you're angry." She smirked

And i swear i almost died.
I groaned loudly turning around banging my head against the wall.

"Did you not hear anything i just said? I think i need to tell the doctor to check if you have brain damage or some shit like that."
I wanted to pull ny non-existent hair out

"Oscar, i know this is serious. This whole situation is fucked up trust me i know because it happened to me."

"I'm the one that they kicked,punch and dragged around like a rag doll. I'm the one that got hurt. And I'm the one in this hospital with a few possible broken bones or whatever. But, I'm not going to sit here, dwell on it and be fucking miserable. Everyone deals with trauma in different ways. My way just so happens to be humour."

I walked over to her side of the bed and sat in the chair.

"Are you sure you don't want me to do anything to them?" I questioned yet again.

I wanted her answer to change.

She looked at me and shook her head.
"My answer is still no. Just leave it. You don't have to get even all the time."

I leaned back staring at her blankly.

She was too good for this world.

"And plus you promised Oscar." There she was looking at me with these big brown eyes

"I know I promised."

I did promise i wasn't going to do anything
And i wasn't.

I had men for that.

Rollacoaster -Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now