I love you

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I walked out of the school doors thankfully yet again that the school had ended

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I walked out of the school doors thankfully yet again that the school had ended. I was praying for the day I graduated,but what happens after that was still unknown to me.

"Leigh-Anne." I looked up startled to see my dad in his truck waving me over. I rubbed my eyes just to make sure I wasn't imagining this.

I cautiously walked over to him. "Dad,what are you doing here?" I masked my surprise with a small smile. I don't remember the last time he picked me up or dropped me off for school.

"I thought maybe we could like the spend the rest of the afternoon together maybe get a bite to eat. We can go to iHOP I know you how much you love it." He said suggestively. I looked at the time on my watch and then back at him.

Oscar did owe me a back massage but this was my dad. I nodded and he smiled as I got in his truck

"So how was your day?" He questioned as she started to drive.

"Absolute hell. I can't wait to graduate dad."

"That bad? I use to hate school too. I remember ditching every time but somehow I still graduated." He laughed.

I knew the story of my mum and dad well, they met when they were in school, they fell in love and they had me at 18.

"How did you meet the other girl?" I asked him,intrigued.

"We went to the same school, we hang around the same people it just kind of happened." He glanced at me to read my face.

Hang around the same people.
Latrelle was a Prophet which meant that his mum affiliated with the Prophets. Did that mean that my dad did too?

I bit my tongue not wanting to ask the question. I was afraid of the answer.

"So, As your dad I have to have this conversation with you." He glanced at me once again.

Oh god.

"Are you having sex?" He questioned and my breath got caught in my throat. I stared at him with wide eyes. My mouth opened but closed over and over again. What exactly am I meant to say?

"Yes." It pained me to say it,but I was always honest. If I lied he'll know.

"Are you on the pill?" I frowned slowly shaking my head

Should I be?
I was always sceptical about birth control and the effects it had on women's body but I never thought more about it because to me I never thought I would be having sex anytime soon.

"Oh god. When you and.... urhm.... does he use protection?" He was uncomfortable with the conversation yet he was the one that brought it up. I was fine not having to have this conversation anytime soon. But his question made me frown even harder.

Oscar and I had sex twice, and both times I don't recall him using any sort of protection. But he wasn't dumb the first time I think he did but the last time I knew for a fact he didn't.

"Yes dad." I shrugged him off laughing nervously. The last time in Ruby's kitchen he didn't bother to use any.....and I don't think he even bothered to do it the first time.

We parked outside of iHOP and the conversation with my dad still in my head. I had checked my cycle with FLO,that night at his birthday party I had a low chance of getting pregnant because I just had my period a couple of days before. My period was in 7 days and I was always regular.

Pregnancy was the last thing I needed.

"You okay you look a little pale?" My dad asked as we sat down at a booth. I nodded still in my thoughts

But then I let out a loud sigh of relief. I couldn't get pregnant! I was infertile from the scar tissue in the endometrial cavity which means a fertilised egg cannot implant in my uterine wall.

But I had my period....

My dad gave me a weird look but I let out a wide smile.

I couldn't get pregnant. But then the same reality that hit me the day I was told sunk in. I couldn't get pregnant. I'll never have a baby of my own.

"Dad....I have to ask you a question. Latrelle is a member of the Prophets, does that mean that you...." I dragged wanting him to continue. I don't know what exactly I wanted to ask him.

He sighed sitting back in his seat.
"I-I...." he stuttered He cleared his throat and continued "-I was affiliated with them....I was a friend of the Leader at that time so I was jumped in." 

I stared at him with wide eyes. I wasn't really expecting him to say so.

"Okay." I frowned.

"Is everything okay?" He asked unsure, he reached over grabbing my hand. I nodded

"Yeah. Don't worry. I'm okay with it. At least you're not in that life now." I shrugged.

We went on to finishing our meal and we drove back home. I had a great time and all of what happened was thrown away and we were back to our fucked up little father daughter relationship

"I'll go open the door and put these inside...." I took the take away bags from him walking to the front of the house. I looked down at my phone ringing in my hand to see that it was Oscar calling

"Hey is everything okay?" I questioned. He never really calls because he hates talking on the phone.

He chuckled on the other line "I'm fine just checking up on you. Had a good day?" He questioned

I was about to answer him when a loud screeching on the concrete road was heard.

Everything went in slow motion.

I turned around to see what was happening and my eyes widened when I saw a black car,and a few men with guns.

"Dad." I screamed as the gunshots rang. I gasped in horror as I saw my father's body get hit

"Leigh-Anne." I could hear Oscar shouting over the phone but my mind was elsewhere.

My dad's body hit the pavement the same time the bags in my hand and my phone did.

Without thinking, I sprinted over to him my heart in my throat

"Dad." My hands trembled as I looked down at him. Blood was already covering his clothes. I could already fill the tears running down my face.

"Daddy." I fell on the ground next to him touching his face. His eyes were open and he was breathing heavily but he wasn't saying anything.

"Daddy, don't close your eyes." I cried and looked up to see my neighbour rushing towards us with a phone in her hand as I was about to shout for help.

"I-I love you Leigh."  I shook my head

"Fucking hell you're not going to die you old man. Don't say that." I wanted to hit his chest but I looked down to see blood oozing from a wound.

His whole body was covered with blood now.

I looked down at him running my hand through his hair. My eyes never left his face even when other people crowded around,not even when the sirens were heard approaching.

"Leigh-Anne." I didn't even turn to look at Oscar. I just slowly rocked my body looking at my dad's still face. His breathing was slowing down.

I couldn't lose him just like that.

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