Little Girls

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"You okay? You look calm

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"You okay? You look calm." Benji asked. I could feel his eyes studying me.

Ever since I made it official and removed my claim, they decided to waltz back into my house and act like everything was okay. They were no longer mad at me.

I was thankful that they were back. I missed their asses. But I would never tell them that. For all they know I didn't give a shit when they were throwing their little bitch fit.

I didn't know how to feel about removing my claim on Leigh-Anne but I knew that's what I needed to do. For her own safety. And to get everyone off my back.

At least now everyone was happy.
She sure would be. She was danm right, the next girl I claim will be my wife. I don't know why I ever thought that was going to be her.

"I'm fine." I said nonchalantly taking a sip of my beer.

If she was here she would've scolded me for drinking it but she wasn't now.
She could no longer tell me what I can and cannot do.

Her opinion was now irrelevant.

I've come to terms that she was right about everything. I never really loved her. It was just an infatuation. Something temporary. I don't know why I was so quick to use the word Love.

Whatever I thought I felt towards her was long gone. It's been 4 days and If I really did have feelings for her I would still be hang up over her

I was a gang leader. I had responsibilities and I needed to start acting like one instead of dwelling over little girls.

"Heads Up." Benji called out and stood up.

I did too. I threw my blunt away and stepped forward as the Prophet car slowed down right infront of the house.

What the fuck did they think they were doing in my part of Freeridge. If they wanted to start shit I would gracefully start shit on my own. They were on my part and I just so happen to be in the mood to have a little fun.

"Yoo Spooky what's up man?" It was Latrelle. Once upon a time him and Cesar were friends but then he got involved in Prophet shit.

"What the fuck are you doing on my block?" I glared

"Calm down Spooky just checking up on you...-" he smirked
"-plus i bumped into that fine ass hyna of yours. Danm she fine. You won't mind me having a little fun with her since you unclaimed her and all that shit?" He questioned.

I clenched my jaw.

What was I meant to say.

I could feel Benji and Pablo's eyes on me waiting for an answer.

Do I tell him no, leave her the fuck alone only for them to realise that I still cared and then have them possibly use her to get back at me or do I say go right ahead and let them deal with her how they wanted to.

Both options involved her getting hurt.

"You can do whatever the fuck you want with her. I don't give a shit. Just get the fuck off my block." My voice was hard,face blank.

By the holes burning on the side of my head I knew that my answer was going to get me in some shit with my friends.

What the fuck did they expect me to say

"Alright Spooks. Glad to have your blessing. I'll have her wearing green in no time, don't you worry.",

I kept my face blank and watched as they drove away.

I walked back to my seat avoiding the eyes of the two.

"You can do whatever the fuck you want with her?" Pablo repeated angrily.

I grabbed my bottle and took another swig.

That's exactly what I fucking said and I didn't even stutter.

"Are you fucking crazy dude. Do you know the shit they can do to her?" Benji questioned angrily.

They all confused the fuck out of me. They wanted me to stay away from her so I did the safest thing and unclaimed her. . She was no longer in harms way because of me but now they also want me to watch over her like I was some stupid guard dog.

I was never going to win in this situation.

"Well you rather I tell them to stay the fuck away from her and have her possibly get kill when they want to get back at me or let them have her and you never know her and Latrelle might make a cute couple." I shrugged

"You're acting like a world class cabron you know." Benji commented and took his seat next to me.

If I had to be an asshole that's exactly what I was going to be

I was doing what they wanted me to do. Stay away from her. They can't choose and pick when they want me to do it.

She was grown anyway, 18, she could take care of herself. Her mouth definitely could.

I wasn't a dad yet and the only kid I needed to take care of is Cesar. I had enough of Little girls.

Speaking of Little Girls, I watched as Natalia got out of a car followed by Isabella.

Now that's one little girl I haven't seen in a while. I looked between the two, it looked like they were now BFFs.

If only Natalia knew that once upon a time Isabella was trying to get with me. Her possessive ass would surely have a fit.

"Hey guys." She smiled walking over to us

The other two grunted and looked away from her.

"Fine whatever. I'm not here for you anyway." She glared at both Benji and Pablo and then turned to me.

"No one likes you Natalia why don't you fuck off." Benji spat

"Am I talking to you though? You're just Spooky's lap dogs so shush."
I leaned back in my seat knowing danm well what was going to happen.

"Listen here puta. I will hit you so hard your head will do a fucking 360 on that dumb ass body of yours. Face so fucking pretty but you're an ugly bitch." Benji glared

"Oscar." She whined waiting for me to do something about it.

I raised my eyebrow.

Girls were so good at starting shit and not knowing how to end it.

"Benji calm down." I glanced at Benji and then stared ahead.

"Am I seeing you tonight?" She questioned taking a sit on my lap.

"No. Don't you have like school tomorrow?" I questioned.

"Urgh... I'll just be repeating Senior year I can catch up...or do you want me to come over so we can spend the day together?" She batted her eyeslashes.

I felt repulsed


"Are you still hang up on that stupid girl. You unclaimed her so snap the fuck out of it." She scowled.

"Now you gonna put some respect on Leigh-Anne's name." Pablo glared and she simply rolled her eyes.

I was done with girls. I needed a woman. Or better yet I'll rather fucking die alone. Females were too fucking hard to handle.

"Can you just get the fuck out of my face." I glared and pushed her off getting on my feet.

"Let's go boys." I looked back at the two and they stood up as we walked over to my car.

Good fucking Riddance.

Rollacoaster -Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now