Earth to Oscar

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Gang Leader

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Gang Leader

The word never left my mind even after Richard left. He was once a gang leader. But of which Gang I wondered. He said he always knows what happens to Leigh-Anne could it because of his past status. 

If he was who he said he was, the only gang I would think of is The Prophets, but The Prophets wouldn't have hurt her knowing who her father was.

I checked the clock that stood at an odd angle on the wall. It was close to midnight. I couldn't sleep. I didn't know who to call.

I looked at my phone and my hands lingered on Natalia's name. If I pressed the call button I would be making my own death bed.

I threw it on the other side of the bed and just laid there staring at the ceiling. My ceiling was bland compared to Leigh-Anne's star covered ones.

I was about to close my eyes when my phone started vibrating. I groaned moving to grab it. I didn't even check the caller ID to see who it was.

I was finally going to sleep and whoever it was interrupted me.

"What?"  I growled into the phone  

"Oscarrrrrr." I clenched ny jaw at the sound of Leigh-Anne's name. Normally it would bring me some sort of joy but it sounded like she was drunk.

"Oscar, Earth To Oscarr.. Ossie Ossie" She slurred on the other line.

I frowned.

"Where are you Leigh-Anne?" I asked already getting out of bed.

Why was she drunk? And who was she with? If Sierra was there why would she let Leigh drink alcohol knowing that she's on so many pills.

"What?Nooo you can't know where I am Ossie. You know Why?  B-because you are not my father Oscar!"  She said loudly on the other line and then she giggled a bit.

I could hear loud music playing in the background.

"Leigh, Go to a quiet place I can't hear shit." I told her trying to put a shirt on.

"What?  I can't hear you Ossie. Wait I'll go somewhere quieter." I kept my frown on my face and waited for her. She must've gone into whatever room because the music was now faint in the background.

"I'm in a bedroom. I can hear you now so talk to me Ossie. How was your day?" She asked sweetly

"Where are you?" I asked again. Trying to keep my cool.

"Noo, I asked you how your day was silly." She hiccuped

"My day was great Leigh, How was yours?" I leaned my head on the wall wanting to bang it a couple of times.

I wanted to know where she was. I didn't give a slight fuck about how her day was. Well I did but not at this moment. She was drunk ,vulnerable and I had no idea who were the people around her.

Yes I wasn't her father but I felt like it. Especially now. I don't want to be fucking my own daughter.

"Well, after you furiously left at the Fiesta.  Sierra insisted we go to this party. I wanted to go but then they gave me something to drink. I didn't mind it Ossie but then I couldn't stop drinking. The more i thought about you the more I dramk" She started crying on the other line. 

I clenched my fist trying to control my anger.

"Where is Sierra then?"  I was trying so hard not to lose it.

"That's the thing Ossie. I don't know. I think she left with this boy. A-and I don't know what to do."  I dug my nails in my palm repeatedly.

"Okay Leigh. Leigh-Anne. Hermossa. Listen to me stop crying. Ossie is coming. You know where you are?" I asked softly.  I didn't want to upset her so I had to be gentle. She sounded like a ticking time bomb.

She gave me the address and I was out of the door on the road in no time. Thankfully the house was a 10 minute drive.

Why the fuck would Sierra leave her alone was my question. It was such a reckless thing to do. What happened to if they come together they were leaving together, wasn't that a law-abiding girl code. I wanted to call Pablo and curse him the fuck out for it but my priority was Leigh-Anne now.

I pulled the brakes infront of the crowded house and slammed the door shut.

There was alot of people outside and they all looked at me with wide eyes as I stormed in. Whoever was in my way made way for a very furious looking cholo

I grabbed a boy by the collar
"Leigh-Anne. My girl. Where is she?" I questioned.

"U-urh.. bedroom, left side I guess.",  he stuttered. I released my hold shoving him away from me making my way to wherever.

4 doors.
I opened the first one and it was occupied by a couple dry humling each other. The second one was the bathroom  and then I moved to the third one.

It was pitch black all I could see was a dim reflective light in the corner. I stepped in turning on the light and there she was. Cooped in a corner with her phone in hand.

"Leigh."  I called out and she looked up and smiled. That smile kills me everytime.

"You came.",  She smiled even wider getting on her feet  she did it so quickly that she stumbled back slightly. I rushed towards her but she swatted my hands away.

"Don't do that." She frowned but then she was back to smiling again "Can we go now?" Her voice was small and I nodded.

She walked over taking my hand. I looked down at it and then back up at her.

"Can we go now?",  she asked again. I didn't say anything but held her hand giving it a small squeeze.

I guided us out of the room and out of the house ignoring the stares we were getting. I opened the car door and helped her in. Once she was safely inside I went to my side and got in.

When I turned towards her she was already looking at me with the same big smile.

She's been calm and all she's been doing is smiling at me like I was her favourite person. If this was her drunk I wouldn't mind getting her drunk often.

What's the worse that could happen. 

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