We stand together ❤️

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I looked at myself in the mirror full of nerves

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I looked at myself in the mirror full of nerves. This was the day,the day I walked into my mum's rental house and have dinner with her family.

I've thought about a million excuse to give her but Oscar refused to let me dial her number and talk to her. He wanted me to go more than my mother wanted me to come.

"You look fine." I looked at the door to see him standing there waiting for me.

I turned around my hand on my stomach. I haven't been feeling too well for the last 2 days and I was feeling even worse right now.

"I don't know Oscar. I don't think I'm well enough to go."

He rolled his eyes
"It's better you get this over with right now okay." I nodded because he was right.

I wanted to spend the night with her,I didn't mind the annoying twins but I didn't want to be anywhere near her husband. Just thinking about him gave me chills.


I knocked on the door,as Oscar rubbed my back in support,if he wasn't here I would've probably walked back and went home.

The door opened and my eyes met Shelly.

"Hi Leigh-Anne." She greeted not a smile insight ,behind her I could see her brother Shawn walking over.

"If it isn't Leigh." He was somehow always my favourite,way more cool and laid back than his sister. Shelly was a slob.

"And this must be the guy mum keeps telling us about." Shawn pushes Shelly to the side offering his hand to Oscar who looked down at it in question before shaking it.

"I'm Shawn..and this is my slob of a sister Shelly." I stifled my laugh at his words. I wasn't the only one that thought she was a slob,heck my own mother did too.

"Oscar." He introduced herself and we walked into the house. Even away from New York she couldn't help but being the luxury with her,a mansion in Bel Air. But I know this has something to do with Terrence,he always loved the finer things in life.

"Mum,Leigh-Anne's here." Shawn called out and we followed him to wherever he was taking us.

Shawn and Shelly's mother passed when they were 4 10 years ago and then a few years after that my mum met their father Terrence and they clicked. 1 year later they got married and we were living as one big happy family. Shelly didn't like my mum and me at all,but Shawn loved us. So you can guess who was my favourite twin.

"Leigh-Anne." Mum greeted pulling me into a hug.
She pulled me away squinting her eyes at me
"What?" I questioned,she just shook her head dismissing me.

"Oscar." She turned to him and pulled him into a hug catching both Oscar and I off guard. She never really hated Oscar but I thought like any mother she would disapprove her daughter dating an older boy who just so happens to be the leader of the one of the biggest gang in Freeridge.

"Well well...." a cold sweat went down my spine as I heard the voice, I sub-consciously backed away bumping into Oscar's chest.

My chest tightened when he made an appearance.

"If it isn't my lovely Leigh-Anne." He walked over his rough hands wrapped around me in a hug. I wanted to squirm and push him away.

"And this must be the boyfriend. How are you son?" He patted Oscar on the back putting his emphasis on the word boyfriend.

Terrence was your typical white Wall Street guy who was filthy rich,arrogant and a straight up asshole. I never knew what my mother saw in him,because I couldn't see shit.

"You guys can go sit at the table dinner is almost ready." She announced and I nodded practically dragging Oscar out of the room.

"Well he's weird." Oscar frowned.

I nodded my head slowly.
He had no idea.

As we sat at the table waiting for everyone to join us I looked at Oscar. I wanted to tell him about Terrence so bad. I lied when I said my resentment towards my mother was because of her leaving my father, It was more because she brought that man into my life.

I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears as my mind flashed back to all those uncomfortable situation he put me through. All those times his hand lingered on places it shouldn't. All those words he whispered in my ear.

"Your mum would never believe you." Is what he said and he was right. She was never going to believe me because she was too invested in him.

"Hey." I snapped my eyes open when I felt Oscar's hand on my thighs. He pursed his lips looking at me.

I quickly wiped the tear.

"Are you okay? If you want to leave I'll buss the doors open and we'll leave." I let out a shaky breath. I shook my head.

I needed to face my demons, and he was one of them.

"It's fine. I'm okay now." I squeezed his hand in reassurance but I was not sure about any of this.

My eyes followed his every move as he sat at the head of the table and my mum and the twins walked in and sat down at the table.

I cringed as I felt his leg bumping into mine. I stared ahead biting my lips not wanting a reaction. But I know he was doing this to get one out of me.

I was use to this. Use to his little advances under the dinning table whilst my mother talks or the twins talked about their day. I've been tortured like this and so many other ways by this man. I couldn't get the feeling of his hand when it went under my dress, when he ran his hands on my body, when he planted kisses on my neck or pushed me against a wall.

I remember wanting to speak about it  but then his words always rang in my head. No one would believe that this successful Wall Street guy was capable of sexually assaulting his step daughter. I was all alone in that fight. I felt so ashamed to even talk about it.

I couldn't wrap my hands around how a man could be attracted to a teenage girl. How sick someone can be. I've always heard about these stories on the news or in books but I never thought at such a young age I would be a victim of such disgusting act.

I was already feeling sick,and I was on the verge of throwing up

"Excuse me." My chair was pushed back loudly and I hurried out of the room. I went to the bathroom I saw when we walked in and my head was down the toilet puking.

I was emptying my guys not only because of what I went through but also for what happened with Scottie.

Everything I bottled up inside was coming out through my mouth.


This is a very sensitive chapter And I've written 2 versions of it but I chose this one because I wanted to highlight this topic

A lot of people go through some sick shit like this and if any one of you reading this went through a similar situation or situations, I just want you to know that We Support you, I support you and I understand.

To those who can relate We Stand Together ❤️

Rollacoaster -Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now