Yes I am

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I'm not pregnant

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I'm not pregnant

I should be happy but that only meant one thing something was wrong with me and it wasn't pregnancy. There was genuinely something wrong with me, I knew these headaches the vomiting and nausea wasn't normal, these weren't everyday occurrences.

"Hey mami.... why you not listening to me?" I blinked twice looking at Jasmine who was plopped down on my bed. I've been in bed for two days and I wasn't feeling any better.

"I'm sorry,I'm just trying not to throw up again." I gave her a weak smile.

"Why do you kept throwing up anyway? Are you pregnant?" She wiggles her eyebrows "You have a spooky baby in the oven sis." She exclaimed smirking

"No, I'm not pregnant Jasmine." I rolled my eyes

"You lying." She smirk shaking her head.

"Trust me I'm not." I scoffed getting out of my bed. I knew Jasmine and she was going to drag this on until I ended up shouting at her and I feel bad.

I walked to my kitchen with my phone in tow ignoring the buzzing because I knew it was Oscar. I wouldn't say that I was avoiding him,but I didn't want him to see me like this. I couldn't keep anything from him so I'd have to tell him everything and that includes the idea that I might've been pregnant which to me sounds stupid now.

Releasing a sigh I held onto the counter suddenly feeling dizzy.

If I was not pregnant then what was wrong with me?

"Jasmine." I called her over because she was taking way too long to walk out of my bedroom. Knowing her she was snooping and Luckily I had nothing to hide.

"Jasmine." I called her again after no response. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Jas-.." I was about to call her again when she made an appearance with a nasty smirk on her face. I had no idea what she was smirking about until she waved the pregnancy stick I buried In the bottom of a drawer at me.

"You're so full of shit." She smirked

I shook my head not quite believing how she stumbled upon it. I knew I should've probably gotten rid of it but a part of me wanted to keep it, hoping that when I looked at it again it'll have two lines.

"Jasmine, Did you read it? Did you see the one line that meant that I am not pregnant?" I asked.

She stopped smirking and looked down at the stick her face turning into a frown

"Yeah Oh." I smacked my lips walking towards her taking the test out of her hand to throw it away.

"Well, since you're not pregnant than maybe you should come to this party tonight..... Spooky might be there." She changed the subject quickly but not to something I wanted to talk about.

I took a good look at her smiling figure, why was I friends with her again? I practically looked dead and no doubt felt it and here she was wanting to drag me to a the state I was in.

"Jasmine, I am sick. I can't go to school,what makes you think I can go to a party?" I knew my mum would kill me and so would my dad.

"Oh so you're really sick?" She asked as if I haven't been breathing heavily,moaning trying to stop myself from emptying my guts every minute infront of her for the past few hours.

"Yes Jasmine I am." I raised my voice glaring at her. I would've much rather stay alone at this point.

I held on to the counter once again when I felt myself getting dizzy once again, the killing headache was back.

"Danm Leigh, you don't have to shout at me like that. I have feelings you know." She frowned and I sighed guiltily. The guilt increased when she walked over to her bag getting ready to leave.

"Jasmine wait..." I made a move to stop her but she silenced me.

"It's fine. Get better soon, I have to go stalk Ruby anyway." She shrugged and walked out of my house.

Oh god.

After Jasmine left I was pretty much alone by myself which was strange because my dad was also suppose to be at home resting.

I had eaten something,successfully managed to avoid Oscar some more and sat infront of the Tv and watched whatever I wanted. When I checked the time it was almost 6.

Even as I sat there the headache didn't go away nor did the feeling of nausea. I stirred moving to my side trying to get rid of the feeling of uneasiness. It was always this time of the day and the mornings when I felt much worse.

I rubbed my temple trying to soothe the pounding headache but it only intensified. My throat dried up and the room suddenly became hot. I could feel my temperature rising.

Breathing heavily, I made a move to stand up but as soon as I did my body went down, My head colliding with the tiled floor and I blacked out.


A/n:- So I finally came to the conclusion that even if I avoid updating this book, it will have to come to an end eventually.

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