Blowjob guy

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I stared at the kids on the swings just having a good time

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I stared at the kids on the swings just having a good time. Their smiles and little squeals of joy made me happy.

I wish I could go back to when I was a kid. Life was less complicated.  I wished my life wasn't as complicated as it was now 

"You okay?" My eyes met Scottie who sat opposite me. He wasn't saying anything. We just sat there in a comfortable silence.

It was my idea to come to this park and he was the one I wanted to come here with. I know it was wrong but I didn't want to see anybody else.  They were all going to treat me like a fragile baby. They all wanted me to stay indoors and do absolutely nothing.

With Scottie he would take me anywhere but even then he made sure I was being safe. That I wasn't overdoing it

"I am just thinking." I turned back to the kid on the swing.  He was now in the sand playing  

The sand only reminded me of the beach Oscar took me too.

"Why did you go to juvie? I asked curiously

"I kind almost beat a boy to the death for what he did to my little sister. Well almost" He was frowning as his eyes fixated on the table.

I wanted to ask what happened but by the looks of it I wasn't sure if this was the right moment to. I was going to let him tell me.

"So that was blowjob guy?" I chuckled dryly

"You still remember that?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Well niña you were quite descriptive about the reason you were walking."

I looked at him. I didn't know much about him except for the fact he had just gotten out of juvie and he was 19. He also used to be a member of a gang. Which one? I had no idea

I almost scoffed he was like a mini Oscar,he had tattoos and he's done bad shit.

I don't know if this was a good idea.
If hanging out with him was a good idea. I didn't want another Oscar.

"Yup that's the blowjob guy. Who's also an asshole gang leader." I rolled my eyes

"Gang leader? Wouldn't take you as the girl into gang related shit." He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not, but for some reason I was into him."

"So you're available." He smirked.

"Are you flirting with me?" I questioned.

He was cute but I haven't thought about him in that way..... yet

"Do you want me to be flirting with you?" He questioned still smirking.

I scoffed. "Boy you ain't got no game."  It was my turn to smirk.

"Really? And you do?"

"Scottie, I got a gang leader to claim me what do you have?"

"Oh he claimed you? Well that's going to make it hard. He'll probably kill me then."

"He won't do shit." Or else I would never forgive him.

"So what gang is he the leader of?" .

"Los Santos." I bit the inside of my cheeks.

His eyes widened.
"Fuck he's Spooky? Danm that guy is legendary. How the fuck you get Spooky to claim you?" He asked in disbelief. 

I giggled at his reaction. He was basically fan girling.

"I told you I got Game." I smirked

"Narh, fucking unbelievable.  Wow. Okay so what's your favourite pickup line.?"

"I used this one ;  Are you religious because you're the answer to all my prayers.. you get it religion - Saint?" I laughed but stopped as he stared at me blankly.

"You were suppose to laugh." I smacked my lips. 

Disapponted in myself. I was the funniest person I knew.

I was startled when he burst out laughing. 

"You're laughing to make me feel better." I glared

"Yes Yes I am. Tell me you didn't seriously use that on fucking Spooky Diaz chica."  He shook his head. I only frowned.

"No, I didn't use any pick up line. I'm a walking attraction."
"It's not like you can do any better." I added.

"You are a walking attraction."  He gazed into my eyes.

"Am I suppose to fall inlove with you by just gazing into your eyes?" I smirked

"I don't know. Is it working?"

"Hmm... maybe."  I winked and he laughed.

"I can see what Spooky sees in you." I watched as he woke up from his place and plopped himself down next to me.

"Incase you're slow. This is me making a move on you." He bumped into my shoulder


Dread was what I felt when Scottie parked a few houses from my house.

I didn't want to go in and I didn't want my dad to see him.

Apparently he quit his job to finally be there for me, pure bullshit if you ask me. It took me almost dying for him to finally decide to be a father.

"Can I see you again?" He asked looking at me.

I couldn't help but compare him to Oscar as he sat there.

I shook my head getting the thought out of it.

"I'll text you." I went to open the car door.

"Am I going to get a kiss or something?" Scottie asked cheekily.

I shook my head laughing.
"You're actually unbelievable."

I  bit my lip and leaned in kissing his cheeks.

"That's more like it."

"Bye. Thank you for today."

"Anything for you Princessa." He shouted back as I started walking towards my house.

This was the last place I wanted to be.

I lingered at the door silently preparing myself for the lecture I was going to get.

I walked in, shock to see my mother there. Both of them got on their feet once the saw me.

"Are you crazy?  Where were you Leigh-Anne?",  My dad questioned

"You shouldn't be walking by yourself in Freeridge. It's dangerous!"  My mum added.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh, Nice to see you guys finally taking your roles as parents seriously."


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