Chapter 1: The Devil's Order

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Chapter 1:The Devil's Order


That's the year Mafias began in the United States of America. Only a few sprouted and actually grew. One of those 'luck ones' is the King Mafia, founded by Arthur Lewis King. The first godfather, the one that started it all, the capo of all capos in America.

The name originated from the dirty deeds the group made. It ranges from trickery, theft, murder- lots and lots of murder- and much, much more. On the public, few knows about this organization and some have speculation that the name basically tells everything you need to know. On the other hand, the large group have other name. Some people in the underground world also calls it "The King Mafia" since it is founded by a King of all kings, and the group is operating as a mafia would.

As the time flies by. The Devil's Order grew more and more powerful and scarier. By the late 1950s, the King Mafia is the top Mafia in America. This is also the time the second heir, Anthony Lewis King, created connections with multiple household, huge companies, prostitution houses, and more. But sadly, at the age of 25, the young capo died.

Adrian Lewis King, the third capo and took over the family at the age of 20 and the year 1955. He is well known for having parties almost every day, he is also the prime definition of a Casanova. He is well known for having six mistresses and a male partner behind his wife. His reign all comes to an end when rival gangs decided to infiltrate the King mansion, year 1960. This is also the year where the King Mafia is at its lowest point.

Five years of reign with little to no things done.

Aaron Lewis King, the fourth generation, and only took over the Mafia at the mere age of 18. He rebuilds everything his father had done wrong. He is also the one that started the King Company to avoid suspicion from other men. The man, single-handedly, build a very important corporation and the most powerful mafia in America he also never had any mistresses. He is faithful to his one and only wife.

Now, 2020, Alexander Lewis King, the fifth generation and the sole heir. With the reputation of the company and the mafia, Alexander is feared throughout. He is popular at elementary with all his fancy devices he carried around. And he sure is popular at high school being the star football player and a literal walking gold mine. Now, he is in his senior year and learning to control the mafia with the help of his old man. He had a taste of putting a BULLET through a man's head and suffered from many BRUISES along the way.

At public, Alexander is feared on the public (some even admired him) because of the very powerful company his father built. At the underground world, Alexander is feared by all.

He will become the next capo, whether he likes it or not.

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