Chapter 17: Emotions

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Chapter 17: Emotions

Alexander discreetly eat his lunch as he eyed everyone in his table. It's been two weeks since Alistair's and Alexander's little incident and the albino being a bodyguard to the next heir. Alexander despises Alistair for doing such a stunt like that.

And what makes Alexander despise Alistair more is that the bastard is right. Alexander DID dreamt of Alistair. Their kiss was like a drug, full of ecstasy and once you got a taste, you'll be looking for more. Alexander dreamt Alistair and him sharing more kisses. The passionate one, the lustful one, the rough one, the sweet one and so, so much more.

Not only that, Alexander vision's Alistair's chest being in full view. It was maddening that one could dream of the same thing for over two weeks. The muscular blond also envisioned the platinum haired boy leaving marks all over his body, the odd thing is that he's loving it. Not a single pound of him is revolted to the albino's actions. He remembered touching his neck after waking up every morning, feeling a bit empty that his neck and collarbone is still a blank slate.

Besides, having Alistair's long and slender fingers pleasuring you to your core is quite pleasurable to say the least. In Alexander's dream his fingers moves like a pro, know every nook and cranny that will give you the most intense pleasure.

Alexander stops his train of thought and look towards his bodyguard's direction. As usual, Alistair is sitting alone but then the albino looks up and smirks, leaving the shorter man a blushing mess.

The previous statement isn't entirely false. Alistair sometimes seduces his victims before killing them and leaving them in a ditch. Most of Alistair's victims are male and he can easily gain their trust by just talking about sports and sowing his vulnerable side. Being submissive isn't a weakness, it's just a perk.

Alistair's stare lingers a little longer, still having his smirk. He knew that his kisses are extraordinary and like a drug, once you have a taste, you will want a lot more.

"Alexander, you're spacing out again!" Zachary called out in a muted tone.

Alexander blinks rapidly and tried to turn to his natural color, not a tomato's. "Huh? Yeah, sorry about that." Alexander muttered.

"Do you think you're bodyguard here is a little too sneaky? I mean, these past few week, I can't see him without your help! Except for this one time..." Zachary snickered to which Alexander rolls his eyes to.

Zachary decided to play a game with Alexander's bodyguard, since Alistair is 'the type of bodyguard that will hide and when trouble comes, he will go beww, poooh, pa!' Zachary's word's not mine. To take advantage of Alistair's sneakiness, he suggested that he and Alexander will find Alistair and to whomever finds him first, wins.

Sometime Alistair is a customer or a staff at the place (don't ask) or just chilling on a bench with different clothing, eye color and style. One time, the two are on the top floor of the shopping center and their both trying to spot Alistair, much to Alexander's surprise, he got a message from the devil himself, saying to look up. Sure enough, Alistair is leaning to the glass roof, with a nonchalant expression.

"Your bodyguard givin', you trouble?" Zachary asked.

"No," Yes. "He doesn't." He does.

"Good, good." With that, the bell rung.


Alistair groaned in discomfort, trying to take the foot that's on top of his head that will surely leave a mark. While his trainee is scared shitless. If we're going to be fair, it was the trainee's fault they got caught by sneezing.

On the other hand, the one who caught them isn't far from Alistair's body composition and height. But he is bulkier and can easily take Alistair down when the assassin is not prepared.

Master is going to be so proud! The guy exclaimed in his head while grinning from ear to ear. I mean, who isn't going to be proud, the best assassin, in his hands, bruised and full a scratches. Weakened and coughing under him.

The guy let go of his foot and grab's Alistair's hair, forcefully, making it so that the white haired boy is in the same eye level as he is.

"Please don't hurt me." Alistair pleaded then coughed. "" Alistair said while drifting in and out of consciousness. He presented the guy his red eyes, hoping that he will be stunned by their color. It almost worked but it doesn't

The guy just smirked. He bring his fist up, attempting to punch the white haired boy but his fist got caught by something else. The guy focuses his vision to his fist, surprised to see that it's been held by another porcelain colored one. Alistair pushed the clenched hand away, making the guy tumbled backwards.

And in a blink of an eye, Alistair pins the guy by the head and reaches out for his pocket, revealing a handgun. Then a loud bang followed after, leaving a dead guy on the ground.

"And that's how you play with people's emotion. Come on Steve, let's get out of here." Alistair then muttered that his favorite suit is ruined.

The two then left the crime scene. Steve is still shaking his boots off.


Alexander can't sleep again. He just came back from yet another wet dream about his bodyguard. This time, it was Alistair moaning under him and seeing someone acts so highly being a submissive, moaning bitch is fucking great. Alexander is now starting to hate his bodyguard especially when he is kept reappearing to his dreams. Alexander sighed, looking down at his legs, having a very noticeable erection in his boxers. Alexander lets out a deep breath and release it.

Fuck it.


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