Chapter 31: Thank You [R]

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Chapter 31: Thank You [R]

Alistair quickly take off Alexander's shirt, still a little bit wet due to being in the showers first. It's been a couple of months since the Harold incident and the pair's relationship flourished like a tulip during spring in Amsterdam. It's beautiful. Take a picture, you may loose it.

Alistair is definitely leaving his cold shell, even hanging out with Alexander and Zachary in times. Also, he isn't obligated to be Alexander's bodyguard anymore, since his childhood tormentor is gone, he can be free on pretty much anything. Except when assassination is involve, then the albino would just have to imagine it to be Harold's face. Easy and done.

Alexander did affect Alistair in many ways. One is that he doesn't sleep with his victims before the knife to the throat. It's an improvement to their relationship but not in the state of someone's life. They're dead that's not good.

Alistair did change Alexander too, the young capo is slowly turning into a true leader. A strong one. A brave one. An amazing one. All because of one assassin, Aaron and Miles are both seeing the improvement on the blond's deduction skills and strength.

Aaron is happy to say the least.

Alexander just finishes the football championship with a rivaling school. Alistair made a deal with him when he won, he can do anything to the albino, without any dominance nor resistance. That offer could break one's resolve on not humping your boyfriend every moment you have.

Of course, Alexander team won. The rest of his team is out somewhere, a restaurant, Alexander remembered. Bu the doesn't give two shits about that, right now he is tending a very delicate snowflake, full of scars. He is no one; not a captain, not a highschooler, not an heir. He is Alistair's lover, nothing else.

Alexander took a hold of Alistair's wrist and gracefully take off his belt that's been hindering them both on being animals in heat. Alexander ties Alistair's hands on his bedpost. The blond took a step back, admiring his work.

Alistair is there, shirtless, panting—moaning like a submissive doll. With hooded eyes, he look at Alexander with so much love and lust, no one can think of the right word to put to it.

Alexander unconsciously licks him lips that's suddenly felt dry. He went towards his lust-filled lover and left a trail of kisses that starts on Alistair's neck down towards him chest. When Alexander finishes with him first task in mind, he take one of the pink numbs that been wanting—needing attention to anyone. Alexander took one in his mouth while the other hand palms Alistair's pants-covered erection.

Alexander growled at the noises he's been hearing form his lover. It's like a musical piece that doesn't have any mistake on how you play it. The sonata will always be good no matter what. Alexander pulls away, panting hard, the same words can also be applied to Alistair. He's giving zero resistance and full control to Alexander. Most of the time the two are being intimate, Alistair needs to guide Alexander on what to do. From time to time he took advantage of it. The blonde doesn't mind.

As Alexander went in for a kiss on the lips, the bedroom door suddenly slammed opened. "ALEXANDER LEWIS KING I SWEAR TO GOD WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEA—" Zachary's words got cut off when he saw the position the two of his "friends" are in. Zachary's mind is in the state of static, blank. He doesn't know what to say nor think. So he said the only thing in his mind that clicks: "WHAT THE FUCK!"

Alexander scrambled to get his clothes on to approach the stunned Zachary. Alistair, on the other hand, doesn't mind. He may be traumatized on the constant rape but he's used to someone else seeing his naked body.

"We'll continue this later." Alistair muttered softly as he break free of the pathetic restraints he once had.

Alexander ushered Zachary in, the blond is now fully clothed but his partner isn't. The shirt is missing....somewhere. The group then at top of Alexander's bed, Zachary feeling uncomfortable, knowing that his best friends are fucking in this very bed. They discussed everything on the relationship of the blond and the albino. Zachary did take it easy but it all "pouty-mad" that they didn't tell him sooner. Zachary did understood that they wouldn't want to be out of the school and every one in their social circle, and of course the family. Both in mafia and the real one.

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