Chapter 28: Kidnapped

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Chapter 28: Kidnapped

Alexander slowly opens his eyes, he can fell the slight vibration of a moving vehicle. He doesn't know where he is, in he doesn't know any of this shit will happen to him. Everybody knows that being kidnapped by possible psychopaths are only in action movies...right?

The blond tried to move but can't because of the restraint he's been put into. He turn his head towards he left, which proves to be a much greater effort to do in the first place. He saw someone below Alistair. The albino is still passed out...on...someone else's arms.

The rational part of Alexander brain wanted to tear the man that forces his boyfriend in that position. But the rational part of him kept saying to lay low. He is still very vulnerable and facing them like this...isn't the ideal situation for all of them.

The man looks at Alistair. "Man, he sure is a beauty..." The man stated while brushing a loose strand of the albino's hair. "Even, after all these years, you still amaze me, baby." Then he kisses Alistair on the forehead. Alexander held back a growl, Alistair was his, and only his, despite the fact that Alexander only have knew the man of months.

"Man, you're right, it's ashamed I didn't get to have fun with him..."

"I'd turn gay for the little albino."

"He's like a bunny."

The men started chatting about nonsense. Nothing worth note taking nor entertaining. After a while, Alexander's eyes started getting heavy, the same thing happens to his body. He feels light a relaxed despite the fact that the restraints are testing his own flexibility. This patterns continues until he can't hold his eyes up anymore.

Once again, he fell asleep.


With a large groan, Alexander woke up in a somewhat dirty looking room. He quickly look around and saw his lover right across from him. So, he did the most rational thing in his mind. He swiftly got up and tries to get to Alistair.

Key word: tries.

Once he took a couple of steps, he fall down, now Alexander realizes the chain that held him back. The chain is connected to the floor, there's no way of escaping it. Only unlocking the lock. A groan resonated from the entire room, Alexander's attention swiftly snapped back to where it came from. Turns out, it was from his boyfriend, lying there in pain.

"Fuck." The albino muttered under his breath, normally it can't be heard but on how small the distance between the two is, they won't have any privacy in the slightest.

"Are you alright?" Alexander asked, concern laced form his voice.

"I'm fine...I guess." The albino mutter, all the ghost of the past haunting him down. Alistair then stand up and tried to stretch his arms out but failed. Now, the pair realized that his hands are tied together by some sort of contraption. It covers his hands up to his forearms and chains enveloped his whole arms. The only thing that's different between the two is that Alexander's leg is bound while Alistair's arms are bound.

Opposite yet strategic for their kidnapper.

"Damn." Alistair curses, trying to pry off the contraption he in. It was futile as long as it was bound to him.

The door suddenly opens and there's an unfamiliar man staring at the two of them.

"All righty mates, the higher ups wanted the white one to speak to him. So, don't try any funny business, blondie." The man sneered. Alistair mutters some sort of insult but he keeps most to himself.

The man dragged him out of the room, quite harshly, I may add." Hey. Stop, you jack ass. I'm going to trip you fucking dolt. Hey-Fuck!" Alistair curses while being dragged off to somewhere else. And our little Alexander is bow left with his own thoughts, for the third time in meeting Alistair.


The much brawlier man drops Alistair on the ground of thier room, not caring about the open wounds and rathe white and goo-ey substance around Alistair's face or the loose clothing that the albino barely got on him.

The door slams shut, Alexander quickly hustle over to his lover's side. He noticed the white stuff over Alistair's mouth, so he tries to wipe it of with his hand.

"Don't." The albino hardly ordered the blond. This makes him halts his moves and actually think what is the stuff all over Alistair's face.

Slump over, barely covered body, pained expression.

Alexander's eyes widen at the shock. No...they wouldn't....

The door suddenly opens and the color from Alistair's face drained.

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