Chapter 27: Failed

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Chapter 27: Failed

The days went by a flash, like one thing you know its Monday then with a single click of a button, its Wednesday. At exact midnight. The pair are waiting, Alexander is anxiously pacing around and Alistair have a calm demeanor. It's clear as day that the assassin have a lot of experience with handling his emotions. Hell, he even uses it as his weapon.

Throughout the days, they formulated a plan, a simple yet effective. The gest is that the two will sneak in the ventilation system the place have while the rest of the team will distract them and overwhelm their team. Like I said before, it's simple yet most ways than one.

The two hopped inside a car, Alistair squeezes Alexander's hand, and giving the blond much needed reassurance. This simple gesture is what Alexander needed. This is his first big mission, after all!

A few minutes (that feels like hours for our little protagonist) and they finally made it. It was somewhere close to the main mansion of the Kings, it's rather cleaver in a way. Any who, it was in the middle of a rather dense part of the forest.

The car pulled over the medium sized building. It is spacious, like a large storage place but not as big as the mansion back. With one sign from the leader, the soldiers surrounds the establishment. Most of the are in front, ready to kill who ever in order to serve thier capo.

With one raise of a hand, the soldiers started to move. The team instantly bring the door down, alerting everyone in the building. Sure enough, a lot of them a ready for blood to spill. But they are out numbered.

Just like the plan.

Bullet after bullet. Shits after shots can be heard from the entire forest. The word chaotic couldn't even describe the situation they are in.

Alistair signaled Alexander to follow him, the blond obliged. He motions an air vent that can easily be taken care of. When to hindrance is out of the way and the distraction is going, the two made their move.

Of course, Alistair took the lead. The albino doesn't really like crawling in the vernt, he find it cliché, but if it's the only way to complete his mission, he will do it.

The blond follow behind, albeit, a little skittish. This was Alexander's first mission. His BIG first mission. There's a lot of stake here. Whether this fails or they succeed, Alexander wants one thing: to not die.

Alistair cna sense Alexander's shakiness, despite the soon-to-be capo trying to hide his emotions, Alistair can see right through his thun facade.

The albino stopped and look back to Alexander, he gave his lover a small and gentle smile, to which the blond replied by doing the same. Despite it being small, it helped Alexander a shit ton. He's lucky to have the albino all to himself.

The albino motioned Alexander to stop and point towards on of the open vents. The blond can clearly see someone in the whole business attire, looking unimpressed and straight up bored. Alexander recognize the man as the one they have to kill.

He then lift his gaze up to Alexander and couldn't held back a gasp. If looks could kill, the room should be painted by the man's blood. Alistair looks like a wolf Stalking it's prey. He is ready to kill, that's o for certain.

Suddenly, the two felt a shake in their hiding spot. Alistair quickly pulls Alexander into him. The both landed in a...rsther odd position. In short, Alexander is basically straddling Alistair and he can feel the albino's breath. So warm...but it isn't the time to think about those thoughts.

The blind whispers, "Alistair, we shouldn't really be doin-" Then the two feel, and just like before, Alistair took most of the fall damage and Alexander perfectly safe.

"Ah, Alistair, what a surprise. But I should have known its you." The man sneered and focuses his attention to the boy in top of Alistair. "And you brought a friend. I guess this makes things more interesting."

Now, Alexander is scared. He saw multiple people that dresses the same way as the target they supposed to assassinate. The man look like he is in his late 40s and could be Italian due to the way he looks and his accent. But now is not the time to think about people's accent. This is the time either Alexander and Alistair dies or lives. Hopefully the latter.

Alistair quickly withdraw his gun and points it towards the man. His other lackeys does the exact same thing. The albino took hold of his lover's hand and slowly back away. This action didn't left unnoticed.

The albino pushed Alexander to the door and keeping a keen eye on who wanted to be a bad dog and shoot despite the lack of order they are given.

"Alexnader, run!" The albino ushered. "Run!" It's me that they want.

Alexander stars at him with wide eyes, clearly, he doesn't want his loved, his boyfriend, to die. Not without him anyways. Alexander stood firm to his ground, not wanting to let go.

"What the-, Alexander, I told you to-"

Then the darkness slowly envelope the two.

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