Chapter 9: Surprise

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Chapter 9: Surprise

*Warning: This chapter have some slurs about the LGBT community. If you are feeling distress about this topic, I'll put a border at the start and end. Also there's some violence in this chapter, if squeamish, feel free to skip. Enjoy~*

"Thanks, girls, I'm flattered but...I don't swing that way..."

As those word came out of Dante's mouth, shock filled the whole cafeteria. The three bimbos quickly made their way towards some muscular guy's table. While Alexander feels somewhat...exited, in an odd way. He didn't know what to actually feel or what to call the feeling, he just knows it felt good.

The guys on Alexander's table looked at each other and smirked. The bell then rung.

Students scamper through the halls in order to get to their perspective classes. Dante, on the other hand, stays for a little while before heading out of the cafeteria. As the albino walk towards his next class, Science, which coincidently is also Alexander's class, he is stopped by a hard, yet flesh like wall.

Dante look up and saw one of the football player, smirking at him, menacingly. That wasn't the only thing that Dante noticed, he saw disgust in the man's eyes and oddly enough...lust. This makes Dante to groan inwardly. Meanwhile, Alexander is passing through the halls when he saw his group of "friends" and Dante.


"Can you move out of the way, I'm going to be late for my class?" Dante politely asks.

The guy then directly look at Dante's eyes. "I knew you we're a faggot right when you step in this school." The guy sneered. By now, some people that are late for class are watching and recording the whole fiasco.

"I didn't know you have a gay-dar, thank you for enlightening me." Dante smiled and a few people snickered at his comment.

The guy then grab Dante's arm, gripping it tightly. "Listening here, you filthy ass fag, you will do what we want, if you don't want to be dead this afternoon."

Dante winced lightly, but in truth, he isn't in any pain. He is used to the pain and can endure way, way more. "Rough, I like fact, love it." Dante whispered the last part.

The guy then pulls away from disgust, and signals his team to get ready to which they smirked. ON the other hand, Dante seems more composed and calm than anyone in the vicinity. He didn't feel threaten nor fear the guy, he's just showing excess emotions than needed.

"Besides, why are you so interested anyway? Is there something you aren't telling us?" Dante questioned and raises his eyebrow; the guy then snapped. He leans a little back, preparing to strike the skinnier man. Alexander closes his eyes, not wanting to see the guy be beaten to a pulp. Suddenly, a chorus of gasps echoed to the halls, which signals Alexander to open his eyes.

Alexander stare at the scene at disbelief. There, he saw Dante, blocking the guy's fist, with a small smile crept through his face.

"A fight, you want? Then you're gonna get it." Dante pressured the guy with a colder, more murderous glint in his eyes. He release the guy's hand, pulling it backwards, causing the guy to lose his balance. Dante then ducked down and kick the gut to his legs, resulting on the guy falling down. He then moves at top of the guy, takes his arm and position it towards him. Then he pull his hand up and jerk it forcefully down. There's a loud crack coming from the guy's wrist.


Everyone stares at disbelief. A skinny guy just beats a football player. Granted, Dante is taller by an inch -probably half-- but that doesn't change the fact that the new student just beat a footballer on a one on one fight, hands on.

By then, a teacher comes rushing towards the scene.

"What's going on here?" The man shouted, which by now Alexander realizes is the coach.

"T-The new k-kid just b-beats Jamie!" One student squeaks one. The man then walk stiffly to Dante's location.

"What's your name, boy?" The coach gritted out.

"Dante, Dante Simone. Nice to meet you, sir." Dante greeted.

"Do you know, any idea what you did?"

"I don't know about you but I have perfect grasp on what happened, sir." Dante said, emphasizing the sir.

"You broke the wrist of one of the star player in the team, you know what that means?"

"It means that he's a disappointment, Sir. Marcus. If he can't handle the pain, how the flying fuck can he handle the game?" Dante snarled, causing a huge collectment of gasps from students and teachers alike.

"Why you little..." The coach is preparing to strike Dante but in a flash, the coach is pinned down to the floor, like the guy that Dante crippled, wrist wise. "I suggest of not doing that."

Dante then stood up and walk toward the guy, who is holding his wrist for dear life. He grasp and handful of his hair and brought his face in a position that the guy is looking to him. "Please don't hurt me." The guy whispered, which is not enough to be caught by anyone except for Dante.

"I suggest not suing, it's just a waste of time." The guy meekly nods. Dante let go and walk towards his class.

The coach stand up and motioned to the other guys. Three of them helps the guy and take him to the school clinic.

While Alexander is there, standing and late, thinking about Dante's little stunt. Only one question ringing through Alexander's mind:

Who truly is Dante Simone?

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