Chapter 16: Make Me...

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Chapter 16: Make Me...


Most of the population of the world adore this time of day. It does indicate that it's a break from either work or school but also a time to just goof around and have fun as much as you want. But for Alexander, this Saturday is probably one of his worst.

Not only he got to see Dan-Alistair, which he still doesn't have a definite feeling about, he's also fairly tired because of getting an hour of sleep. Things aren't the best but at least he's not having an episode featuring: Hangover. At least he has that going for him.

Right now, Alexander is pacing in his bathroom, his alarm clock taunting him with the blinking neon numbers saying that he only have fifteen minute before his bodyguard arrived. Some may say that a bodyguard must always be on the side or near their master or client or whatever you want to call it but Alistair is also one of the best assassin in the market right now.

The albino have two jobs to do and being with Alexander 24/7 isn't one of it. Somehow this mere thought sends a knot of confusion on Alexander's chest.

A knock disrupted Alexander's train of thought. He opens the door and it reveals a 6"5 man with black hair and dark-gray roots. This man is no stranger to Alexander, he is the one that thought him almost everything he knows and give him the attention he needed.

Not that his mother and father can't give him that too. It's just that they are very busy form time to time. BY time to time almost always. His mother is a model at a very well-known agency and his father is the CEO and the godfather of the most powerful mafia.

Alexander understands this from a very young age too, so he isn't that sad when no one is except form maids and workers and Miles.

"Young master, would you like to have breakfast?" Miles asked while bowing to show respect for the young capo.

"No thanks, Miles, I think I'll-"A smooth bell sound echo through the halls and walls of the mansion. Miles quickly excused himself to the young capo, the butler didn't want the visitor waiting and leaving a bad expression to the Kings' name. The King Mafia is known for their swiftness, after all.

The enormous double doors opens and revealed Alistair, having his stoic face. Miles quickly bows, he is lower than the Shadow Assassin, after all. "Good morning, Miles, may I ask where is Alexander is? We both have business to take off."

The butler guides the assassin to the second floor and to his young master's bedroom. Opening the door, Alexander comes face to face with Alistair. The albino isn't that tall but he is shorter than Miles but taller than Alexander.

"Hey." Alexander greeted. The blonde quickly notices the albino's red piercing eyes, like a bullet through someone's head. And he looks like a bunny, a killer bunny that is.

"Let's go." Alistair beckons. "We're going to my place." Alistair get a grip of Alexander's hand, sparks flying everywhere, might as well caused and electrical fire. Sparks flying and burning passion too.

"But how about my da-. " Alexander tries to reason of the sudden swiftness.

"I've already informed your father about us leaving. We need to go now, I have a mission to take care of." With that the two went downstairs and to Alistair's car. It isn't special but good enough for the two. Alistair hop on the driver's seat and Alexander to the passenger one.

The drive to Alistair's place is a quiet one. Mainly because of the two not muttering a word but also Alistair not turning on the radio. I mean who does that?! Finally, after an agonizing fifteen minutes, they finally arrived. Alistair's apartment complex is one of the most expensive one in the state. It's no surprised for Alexander though.

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