Let's Talk: Bullets and Bruises

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Basically, my thoughts and fun facts about this story

FUN FACTS ABOUT B&B (I'm sticking to it)

-Before settling in with the name Alistair, the assassin's name is supposed to be Alabaster but was changed due to the name not sounding as appealing as Alistair.

- This story is made mostly as a joke and a celebration for pride month. The exaggerated way the characters are presented/envisioned, witty or rather childish dialogue, and cliché characters and scenarios are all made to make fun of the half-assed mafia Wattpad stories I found all over. Though my original intent was scraped near the end of the story since I can envision something more.

-At Chapter 18: Payback the falling off a cliff scene was actually a dream of mine, me falling of a really high cliff. In addition, Chapter 19: Rescue was the continuation of that dream, me being wounded and have scratches all over. The deer was there too, it really annoyed me.

-The cover was supposed to be the scene from Chapter 18: Payback. I just found it on Pinterest whilst browsing.

-I was listening to "History Maker" when I thought of Chapter 3: Ice Rink.

-Chapter 8: Lunch is where I try to describe my Aikido Training. I did not work so well.

-When I tagged something with [R], the views on that chapter increases significantly. (Bonk, we all go to horny jail)

-On Chapter 23: Date, the dark chocolate and cherry jubilee is an obscure reference to a Tapas Webcomic created by Crimson Chains named "Sweet Beginnings". I really like the characters in there, check it out! It's free too!

-Chapter 24: The Deed is rushed. I'm not proud of it.

-When writing Chapter 31: Thank You, I don't know what a versatile/switch is. I just thought it would be hot when the top bottoms for once. Also, use lube. Remember that lube is important.

-The main reason I decided to give them a 10-incher (yes this is written on my notes) because they are my first serious OCs (Original Characters) in a way. I just made them to have a special quality, the rest will have a more average dicks, rather higher than average dicks, lmao.

Discussion: B&B

First of all, thank you for the support of this story. I didn't really expect for it to gain traction one faithful night but I won't say I'm sad about it though. I often joke about my friend that getting a thousand views on my story (a different planned story that is not sexual or romantic in the matter) will be an accomplishment with in itself.

And despite not using my fullest potential here, I'm still happy to write B&B.

But that being said though, I know that I can write something more interesting and more diverse than B&B, hell my essays have a better grammar and a more diverse vocabulary than here. Most of the chapters only have 4-5 plot points to add. So, it became short and rather underwhelming to the author and the readers. Also, I like referring to myself in third person lol

Also, most of the chapters here are rushed. Some without clarification of events, without proper grammar and more. And what I learned from the time when I was away is that a good story takes time. No matter how long it takes, whether it's a week, a month, a year or two, even a decade. Stories takes time.

Also, I abhor Alexander King. His character is flatter than my ass. (Actually that's a bad example lmao) He's so basic that the other main leads to other mafia stories have all-in-all a better character. His main thing, that I poorly describe, is that he's the typical clueless, spoiled blond. I guess some of the frustration on Alexander can be called a success? But as a whole, I don't like Alexander King. I hope I can give him a proper personality and more backstory and a proper character arc in the future.

One last thing before I end this aka, those 10 people that actually read this, I regret referring to their dicks as members, gross hahahahha. So, expect me not to use the word "member" as a substitution to dicks, cocks, or whatever. 

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