Chapter 30: No More Secrets

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Chapter 30: No More Secrets

Alexander is waiting anxiously inside one of the van that his father brought. His father knew something like this will happened, so he did came prepared. Alexander is grateful at his father's actions, he's a great leader after all. No one could top of his dad, not even himself.

Alexander knew they won this battle but he couldn't help but feel worried for his boyfriend that's still in the building. They weren't there for a long time but it's sure as heel scary. The unknown is scary, frightening even. For Alexander, he doesn't have a clue of what's going on but Alistair knew everything that's going to happen. He just preparing himself for the inevitable. He thought he could do it head on but on, he was mistaken.

The man still left a huge impact in Alistair, those memories dread him to this day.

With a huge sigh, Alexander get out of the van. He's bored and the company of exhausted, bloodied and serious soldiers aren't the best. The blond remembers the way towards the infamous room. When he finally went to his designated room, he was stunned.

There was Alistair, laying, unconscious and no more shackles like before. There is a larger body next to his lover, he recognized the clothes as the man that terrified his lover. The reason that Alexander didn't recognized the man is that his face is battered. No longer recognizable, can't be salvage—beyond repair.

Needless to say, Alexander is petrified on the sight on front of him. There's blood everywhere too, some parts of it is turning a dirty color of brown due to the oxidation.

The blond couldn't care less on who the man is nor his purpose in the world but the one thing that he did care is the lying albino next in front of him. Alexander quickly scoop up Alistair and left the scene but not before noticing a peculiar feather on the ground.


The blond is sitting in the hospital, just right next to Alistair's room. His right knee is jumping up and down in nervousness. He knew that Alistair will be okay but there's something in the back of his mind that kept crawling like an old memory that kept chanting it won't be okay.

Alexander knew not to believe this.

The doctor finally went out of the room, giving Alexander the green light to be alone with his lover.

He immediately sit beside Alistair, holding his hand gently. He can feel movement in his hand, this act made Alexander turn his head towards Alistair's porcelene face. Alexander gently caress the albino's face, he replied with a soft smile.

Alexander lean forward and touch thier forehead together. It's a simple gesture but it made Alistair's world.

A deep sigh breaks the comfortable atmosphere the two have. The sigh came from Alistair, now have blood shot eyes.

"I know you have questions about me, Alexander." The blond nods, still concerned about Alistair's emotional stability. "Here, I'm going to clear things out. About me." The albino performed another deep inhale, letting the oxygen lingered for a moment until it became carbon dioxide with a sharp exhale.

"Your father and I goes way back. He used to be friends with the one who kidnapped us. The all changes when he saw three year old me, nearly holding on to my last breath..."


"What the fuck is this, Harold?!" Aaron shouted, not pleased as he sees a child. A mere child, practically having his last breath.

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