Chapter 5: Threat

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Chapter 5: Threat

"They're gone, capo." Miles said to Aaron. The younger man nods and went towards his bedroom. The two then proceeded to pull one red book off his bookshelf and it tilted, the bookshelf that is. The two step in, glancing around the weaponry and ammo for the different guns. The two then proceeded to go to a secret elevator that's carefully installed in the room. Miles pressed the lowest button, the elevator went down.

Aaron didn't want to let go Alexander easily but he had no choice. The Inner Circle requested an emergency meeting regarding their shipments and other mafias' shipment of goods. And from the tone they gave, Aaron expected it to be bad news. So, to be perfectly safe, he sent out every maid, workers, his wife and son out the house. Last time he's in rage, there's a total of 20 bullets on the wall, 6 injured soldiers and a dead maid.

So taking precautions is a must.

The two then entered a secret room in the basement of the mansion. The first thing that Aaron and Miles noticed is the tense atmosphere around, but the two are used to this; just not the two guards stationed. Aaron took his seat and Miles stand beside his master.

"What's the point of this meeting?" Aaron asked.

"We believe that a small gang is meddling with our shipment with guns and ammos." One of the elders said.

"What should we do now?" One of the younger ones asked, still slightly shivering by just the presence of the godfather alone.

"Capo, I suggest to investigate the goal of this gang. They should know better not to mess with someone they can't win against." Aaron look over to the man and smiled. This soft action surprises everyone in the room, even Miles, the butler who served the mafia for three decades, is surprised. The King Mafia's godfather rarely smiles, if he does, it needs to be written down on history.

"Took the words right out of my mouth, Tyler." The blond blushed at the compliment. Tyler reminds the godfather of his son. He may not seem like he cares but he really do. Aaron is just worried that Alexander can see his grandfather in him.

Aaron is harsh against Alexander because he didn't want his son know he's going to get away with everything. That's what his father did, Aaron could get away with everything when he was a teen but he uses his time to learn more about the underworld than goofing around. Some are impressed by his quick think and comprehensive skill at the mere age of ten.

Aaron snapped out of his thoughts by one of the Elders speaking and continue the meeting as intended. When the meeting ends and everyone is out, he dismisses his butler and pull out his phone. He dialed a number and put the phone on his ear.

"Hello? Sam? – Yeah. – I wanted to hire someone from you. – We will discuss it tomorrow. – Sure. Thank you."

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