Chapter 18: Payback

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Chapter 18: Payback

Alexander isn't feeling good, from the lack of sleep and a bruised bottom lip. People assumed that he got into a fight but the truth is that Alexander bit hip bottom lip too hard when...having some rather alone time with the use of his left hand and his reproductive organ. But the blond didn't care, it felt good, best he had in a long, long time.

The most explosive one too.

The day passes like a flash it went out like a pattern: come to class, sit down, daydream and leave. Hell, even at lunch he'd just blank out! Hell, he didn't even give two shits about Zachary telling him if he's all right.

By now, Alexander is walking towards his vehicle, in order to get home. But something or, perhaps someone stopped him from doing that. He turns his head a hundred and eighty degrees, seeing a familiar alabaster colored skin. Alexander Looks up a little, in order to meet Alistair's eye level.

"What do you want?" Alexander asked, quite harsher than he intended to.

"Mind if I get a ride, I need to go to your place anyways. Business. " Alistair said in an unconcerned tone.

"Yeah sure." The two hop in the car and didn't mind each other's presence. Alexander turn on the radio and started driving away from the teenage prison facility. Once a red light came into view, Alexander stops the car and looks towards the special snowflake. Alexander is still tired yet mesmerized at Alistair, right now, the albino is drinking some bottled water. Alexander gulps, finding that the way the Alistair's Adam's apple move is quite sexy.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" Alistair suddenly asks, setting down his water bottle.


"Right, your father didn't tell you. He's a very busy man. There's a party at the Mimosa household. They live at top of the mountains so, it will be quite the ride." The albino spew out. "Are you going or not?" Alistair persisted.

"Are you going?" Alexander countered back.

"Depends, as much as I love the view, I'm here to do my job too." Alexander ponders for moment, meaning that his job is actually protecting Alexander from danger. That simple statement caused an eruption of butterflies to Alexander's stomach. He doesn't know who to blame, Alistair for making him feel this way or himself for actually feeling that way. By now, the car is moving.

He's still pretty mad about the kiss. Boners, wet dreams and everything nice.

"So are you going or not?" Alistair asked once again.

"Yeah sure..." then the two fell in to an uncomfortable silence, only the music of the radio is the only thing that can be heard. Suddenly, Alexander heard another voice along with the radio's song.

"When I'm around slow dancing in the dark. Don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms. You have made up your mind. I don't need no more signs." Alistair sang. He then turn his eyes towards Alexander's emerald ones. "Can you? Can you?" Alexander feels his face heat up but that didn't stop Alistair from singing, again. Even though Alexander didn't know the song of today, he knew it has an underlying meaning to it. Sex to be blunt .

"Give me reasons we should be complete?" Alistair sang as he inch closer to Alexander. As in cue, the car stops in front of the mansion.

"We're here." Alexander mutters, embarrassed that he looks like the father of all tomatoes.


The two got ready in the mansion, Aaron kept saying that they need to be careful in case of an ambush. Normally the godfather will let the two join with him but he have matters to take care of with the household, so he needs to go early, with his wife. It's not dangerous work just some paper work, he can trust his men to do their job. And the two still needs to get ready and it will take a while and the capo doesn't want to be waiting. Besides, they'll manage.

Alexander step down, and already saw the back of a white long slivered shirt. Alistair turns around and lock up his eyes to Alexander. Alexander froze for a moment, marveling at how good Alistair looked. Messy hair but stylish, white long sleeved shirt that compliments Alexander's shirt, which is practically the same one, and black slacks. The only difference between the two is that Alexander is wearing a black vest and Alistair a black bow tie.

"Let's go." Alistair beckons. The two went inside one of Aaron's one of favorite car, in fact Alexander hasn't had the luxury to ride it too. The ride was smooth but it will take a while, the two knew this would happened. And apparently, Zachary will also attend this partly.

It been an hour with Alistair driving and Alexander with his own thoughts. He is stupid not to bring his phone with him. Then suddenly, Alexander's mind went off to their kiss. He held out a blush that could have been forming in his cheeks. Alexander think for a moment, now is the perfect time to have revenge. He could distract Alistair for a while and then the albino will become frantic and stopped the car!

Yeah. That's a good idea.

"Hey, Alistair, why do you have red eyes?" Alistair, looked at Alexander for a moment, dumbfounded. It's very clear why Alistair have red eyes.

"I'm an albino, Alexander." Alexander replies with an 'oh'.

"Why do you have purple eyes have I first met you?" Alexander asked while carefully poking Alistair's hands in the steering wheel.

"That's a good question, Alexander. I usually change my style whenever I go to public, I don't want someone recognizing me and pointing a gun towards me." The albino laughed. "So anyways, to answer your question, I wore..." Alexander nudge the steering wheel, causing it to go perplexed and making the car to accelerate. This also caused Alistair to be frantic. Like Alexander wants.

"Alexander what the hell are you doing?!" The albino tried to hit the brakes but it didn't work. "The breaks aren't working!" Alistair exclaimed. Now, its Alexander's time to be frantically scared. He just want it to be a prank! Nothing else!

Alistair then tried to maneuver the car towards the road, but it wasn't working all the car do is go forwards, towards the cliff. Alistair then unlocks both car doors.

Here goes nothing.

With that, the car is sent flying to the cliff.

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