Chapter 21: Confusion

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Chapter 21: Confusion

Alexander, yet again, couldn't sleep. It's been two weeks since the incident and thing have been strange in the household. Soldiers are keener and there's security in the house all day. Some of the maids are shaking their boots off! Aaron is busier than usual, Miles is with Aaron like a puppy that met his new owner, and Alexander's mother is busy, like his father.

The blond suspects that there's something his father not telling him.

Alistair, surprisingly is making a quick recovery. His ribs are nearly back to normal and both of his broken limbs are healing pretty quickly as well. The doctors seem surprised that the albino made recovery that should only be possible in video games. But Alistair is the living, breathing proof that there wrong. Just a week's time, Alistair is fully healed, except for some pesky cuts and bruises but that's to be expected until they turned into scar.

The albino didn't even need a cast or crutches, which surprises Alexander when he saw a perfectly fine Alistair.

All the while, Alistair just have a bored expression and tone. Breaking bones like Deku isn't a rare occurrence in Alistair's world. In fact, every fuck-up someone in his team lashed out on him.

Some may say it's cruel but for Alistair, it's a learning curve.

Every broken bone is a mistake needing to be fixed.

Every bullet is pain going through is heart.

Every cut is a mistake that could have been avoided.

And every bruise is another day lived.

The albino started working again the next week but Alexander noticed something more different. Alistair is always on high alert and is started being closer, physically, to Alexander. This defeats the purpose of Zachary's game. The younger man even nagged Alexander to make his bodyguard 'hide' again.

Like a few nights before, Alexander still can't sleep, for the life of him. Sleeping in the hospital room seems so comfortable now. He really did regret the stupid stunt he made. It could have been worse but Alexander is glad it isn't.

The blond glance up to his nightstand and saw familiar number on the small rectangular, devilish annoying box. Did Alexander mentioned he hates alarm clocks? It read, 4:30 in the morning. Alexander feel a sense of déjà vu coming over him.

This is the exact time on the exact place he feel that contemplating life is the best.

Alexander feel for his phone, which is at the same place as last time. Déjà vu indeed. He then dialed Zachary's number, his one true friend. The phone rang once until he picks up.

"What the fucking living hell, Alexander! It's the middle of the night!" Zachary screamed on the other end.

"Zachary, I'm confused." Alexander confesses immediately. This simple phrase soften Zachary expression, his annoyed and tiresome state removed.

"What's wrong, Alexander?" The younger man asked.

"It's just I have these...thoughts about someone. They've been in my mind for like weeks right now and...I don't know how to approach them." The blond confesses. It's true that Alistair has been in his mind and dreams for weeks now, he felt guilty, happy, exited and scared at the same time.

"Oh, is our little Alexander has a crush?" Zachary mocks Alexander, which the young capo didn't mind.

"I don't know, Zachary, I really don't know." The blond breathed out, truthfully, not really knowing how to feel with his bodyguard.

"Why don't you ask her out? It kinda seems you like the girl." Zachary advises while Alexander cringed. The one he's been talking about is Alistair, his bodyguard.

"I don't know, Zachary, I did do some pretty...bad things to them, per se." Alexander replied back.

"Don't knock it till you try it, my guy."

After some thought, Alexander finally decided to take Zachary's advice. With new found confidence, Alexander waves (or in this case, calls) his goodbye with Zachary and the albino in his mind lulled him to sleep.

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