Where I have been...and my plans for the future...

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TL,DR (Too Long, Didn't Read) at the bottom.

Soooo...it's been almost a year since my last update to "Cracked", my very half-assed attempt to write a proper story with a decent plot and some-what memorable characters. And to tell y'all simply, my life has been nothing more than a huge shit-show. Except I don't get paid for all the shit I'm going through.

The start of 2021 is all ready bad for me. There's drama and things I won't go into detail since it's a very personal matter for me. And it's also the start of my second semester of online classes, so I got busier by the day. Assignments, projects, examination, and even a whole-class videography that forced us to go out during the pandemic. Granted, I did have fun but most of my time there are just school work.

Usually when I go home Friday evening, I would just collapse and proceed to pamper myself for the rest of the weekend. Rinse and repeat. This really put a dent to my physical condition and mental state. I just can't write with my current state. I'm always exhausted and I have zero energy left to write (Also I really can't think straight for the life of me, one time I wondered why the bathroom door is not opening, it took me a whole minute to comprehend that someone is using it). To put the cherry on top, I usually got rest whenever we have an examination due, yey academics!

When the vacation rolled around, I took it upon myself to just relax due to the exhausting past few months. I did considered writing more but the ideas and concepts are just not going inside my brain.

Around June-July is my yearly "sick month" I have a ton of medical issues during these two months and I can't really focus on anything else for that matter. The some of those includes: an abscessed tooth and severe tinnitus. It was not a fun time of me....

Then August rolled around and I needed to transfer schools, so that's stressfully fun.

And as of now, I'll be busier as each day goes by. I really want to focus on my academics and performance this year so that I'll excel more. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad student, I get decent grades and participate in a few extracurricular activities but I wanted to create more opportunities for me and actually think about my future rather than just laughing at memes for the whole day.

The reason why I decided to put this notice is that my friend (unknowingly) dragged me back to the Ao3 rabbit hole. Fan fictions after fan fictions after fan fictions. I'm hooked (I have a problem).

That simple thing reminded me that I still have a story to write and an audience to entertain. But considering everything that happened in my life for the past year, I'm glad I took a massive break from writing stories. It's a mental refresher.

On that note, I wanted to use this opportunity to say that, yes, I'll still be continuing writing stories in Wattpad and maybe I'll create an Ao3 account for fan fictions since despite being quite popular here on Wattpad, it doesn't get as much traction as other already popular original works.

Also updates of my story will be once a month, two if I'm not busy with school work. BUT it won't be the short 1,000 – 1,500 words that B&B usually has, I want each chapter to have at least 3000 – 5000 words, even more if I can. And of course, I just can't do that in a week's span. I would be a mad banana if I do that.

So, expect to have fewer updates but longer and more well-polished characters, chapters and stories in the future. And I'm terrible with dates, so no promises on when the new "Cracked" will be. Ehe...

TL,DR: A lot of shit happened in my life, took a break and will now work my story with more words and more polished everything. 

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