Chapter 20: An Earful

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Chapter 20: An Earful

Alexander has the look of hope in his eyes when he saw the helicopter comes down. A leader is thrown to the ground, another person comes down too. Alexander took the lead and started to climb up, while the man pick up Alistair and grab on the string ladder.

When the three of them are up, the chopper quickly when to the nearest, most valued hospital possible. The King's men quickly hustle to put the two in their rooms. Alistair's room have muck more doctors and nurse because of the injury he had gotten. While Alexander just sat stayed in the regular room. Don't get me wrong, the room is extravagant for most people but to the Kings, it's just change money.

A few hours had passed and Alexander is doing fine. Just a few scratches and bruises here and there but nothing serious. Alistair, however, does take more medical attention. The assassin have three broken ribs, a broken leg and arm. Things are not looking good for Alistair but the doctor says it's fine. In fact, the albino is having a quick recovery.

On the other hand, Alexander is terrified in his father, that's right in front of him.

"I honestly don't know how you can fuck up this bad" Aaron said truthfully to his son. This time, however, the capo doesn't know how he can relate with his son. Most of the time he'll just let it go and give Alexander some scolding.

Cars didn't mean anything in Aaron, his family does.

So, when the same thing happened but without Alistair, he won't care about Alexander's stupidity, he would only care for his safety.

"I'm so sorry, dad. It's all my fault." The blond admitted, looking down, too ashamed on the reality on what he did. They could have possibly died just because of his pettiness.

"I know it's your fault, so you'll fix it." Alexander didn't understand what he meant by that but nods anyway. "I won't punish you but you must reflect on your actions." With that, Aaron left Alexander's room.

But the blond is thankful that it isn't a one hour long lecture that either their parents gave like most guys in his class complains about.


Aaron knocked on the door of the albino. He didn't get an answer so he have the initiative to just barge right in. He knew the assassin didn't mind too, Alistair is just too tired to do anything but rest.

"You knew the brakes don't work before hand, why did you request that?" Alistair questioned. Clearly frustrated that his body will be littered by fading scars and bruises for how long.

"I have my reasons." The godfather replied. He knew that Alistair isn't fully satisfied with his answer but it's the truth. He did have his own reasons, one of which involves Alexander in the long run.

"You should rest for a while, Alistair, your wounds are still healing." The capo said while going to the door.

"Wait." Alistair called out, the godfather halts his movement. "There's something you're not telling me."

"We have a lead."

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