Chapter 6: First Day of Hell

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Chapter 6: First Day of Hell

Alexander's heart is beating fast. Despite he doing this for almost eleven years, the first day of school can still be terrifying. You can never know the new face that appears a wanted to be your friend or just wanted to climb the social ladder. He knew this because it's been like that since the start of high school. Where your looks and playing sports are the only thing that matters with some parties, drinking booze and losing your virginity.

He step out of his car, some people already ogling him, his car, or both. When this first happened to him, he felt uncomfortable and the stares are so intense, like bullets going through his head and body. The only one that kept him from crying that day is, Zachary, which the blond is thankful for.

Alexander quickly saw Zachary running towards him, screaming his name. Zachary then hugs the living shit out of Alexander.

"I miss you." Zachary exclaimed, not caring if people are giving them weird looks.

"We met yesterday." The blond replied.

"But still!"

The two best friends walk towards the receptionist to get their schedule of classes. The two practically have identical class schedule except for their last period. Alexander have English while Zachary took Mathematics. Zachary wanted to save the worst for last so he won't get too stressed from the rest of the day.

Maths will give him a headache.

The two got inside their first class, Social Studies. They both got their seats at the back, since sitting in front is just dumb and stupid, and the middle seats are just seats of desperation. Surprisingly, the two are rather early, for Zachary anyway, they saw students pouring in. Those who wanted to listen to the teacher, they sat in front and those who considered themselves popular, sat with them at the back.

Alexander saw one girl who intentionally sat beside him, she kept rubbing herself to Alexander, which makes the blond uncomfortable. The girl is also kept trying to start a conversation with the school's most heartthrob and soon-to-be captain of the football team.

Every year, his coach picks him because of his great (but sometimes, goofy) leadership but every year, there's a try out for those who wanted to join. Sometimes Alexander's teammates change due to transferring to another country or state, or some of them wanted to pursue other activities, like painting. Alexander and Zachary doesn't mind those who quit, especially when they have a valid reason to do so but his other teammates...isn't that accepting.

Those meat heads kept pressuring those who wanted to do something else entirely to not quit the team. In which, Alexander reassured them to do whatever they wanted in life. Some even shed a tear or two after.

The teacher then walked in and immediately he started the introduction of the chapters in the book. The book their using is divided into four: American History, World History (which is the thickest out of all the four), Geography and Economics. Their teacher then proceeds to explain his rules in the class, to which no one can give two shits about.

Rules are made to be broken, after all.

The lesson went down and the girl still kept trying to make Alexander uncomfortable. On the other hand, Alexander is trying to take some notes and Zachary is distracted by a 'dust bunny racing' that's been going on his desk. For those who are interested, the smaller dust bunny, which he named White, won.

"Psst. Alexander!" Zachary called out in a hushed tone. "Talk to me!"

"What is it, Zach?" The chocolate haired man cringed.

"Don't call me that! What if I called you Alex, huh?" Zachary retorted back.

"Dude. Don't" Alexander said plainly.


Then they fell into a deafening silence which the soft voice of the teacher and whispering of students can be heard.

"I don't think I could be picked co-captain this year." Zachary murmured but it's loud enough for Alexander to hear.

"What? WHY?!" Alexander exclaimed in a hushed tone.

"I was the reason we lost to the finals." Zachary sighed. "You guys are better off without me."

"Don't beat yourself up over this! The other team cheated! And the referee was in it too! We only found out when the game is over, besides, they can't play anymore." That statement bring a smile to Zachary's face.

That's what the shorter man loved about Alexander, he's always strong willed and won't let anyone get hurt. He can sometimes be petty but that's a story for another chapter.

"You're the best, Alexander."

There's only one thing that worries Zachary...

"Mr. King and Mr. Prise, care to share what you're discussing in class.?" Alexander didn't say a word but Zachary yelp out a cheery, 'Nope' popping and prolonging the p. Some of the students snickers at his silliness and the teacher just sighed in frustration and continued on discussing the lesson.

Fifteen minutes had passed and the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. Alexander glance at the girl beside him, and noticed that she's still trying to rub of him. Alexander is surprised that she didn't set anything on fire.

The girl then stood up and leave the class room. A few moments later, Alexander and Zachary followed suit. When they go to their next class, he noticed a girl. Not just any other girl, it was Stacy.

It's first day of Hell, indeed.

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