Chapter 19: Rescue

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Chapter 19: Rescue

Alexander doesn't know what to do. He just froze when he saw in the front mirror the endless greenery of trees. He does know that for some reason, Alistair opened both doors through his side controls. In a flash, Alistair grabs Alexander's collar and jump out of the car, expecting the never ending fall. Right now, the albino doesn't care if he lives, he just care if Alexander lives.

Alistair hugs Alexander tightly, the albino expecting the fall. Then it happened, the two descended down the cliff, with Alistair hugging Alexander tightly. It makes the albino take most of the damage of the fall. Sometimes, a twig or stone got caught up to Alistair's skin but the albino didn't mind, yet, he just hold on the shorter man tighter.

Alexander closes his eyes, noticing a very strange black and white...stuff covering his vision. But that isn't important right now, what's important is to survive the fall.

Finally, the two met the bottom of the cliff and Alistair let go. He winced slightly when he place both of his arms down the ground, some of the formed bruises and some are bleeding and others are just mere scratches. He is tired-no-exhausted from what had happened. The albino can feel the broken bones and wounds from the fall. But he didn't do anything about it, instead, he welcomed the darkness that's been calling to his name.

Alexander's eyes shot up. He knew he did something stupid back then, of course, the blonde blames it on the lack of food in his stomach. Alexander found his eyes wondering on where he exactly is, he knows he is in some sort of forest, he just don't know where. His eyes scan around the perimeter, seeing an unconscious Alistair. His quickly tried to get up but failed due to the painful feeling on his legs. So instead, he crawl towards Alistair, checking if there still a pulse to the guy.

Alexander's heart froze.

But it quickly thaw out when he felt a soft, faint thumping in the albino's chest. Alistair is still alive, he has a faint heart bet but alive nonetheless. Alexander laid down, the darkness quickly lulled him to sleep.


Alexander woke up from the harsh sunlight. He's too tired to get up. He look around, seeing the same scenery from last night, he sighed, remembering the events. The blond groaned out loud, recalling the events light night.

I'm so fucking stupid! Why did I do that?! Then Alexander remembered his bodyguard, Alistair. With a new found strength, he stood up, calling the albino's name. But he is greeted by just a flock of bird squawking away. Oh no.

The blonde then heard rustling, now he's on high alert. That rustle approach him very slowly. This could be anyone or anything. It could be a predator of the forest, another human that somehow has the same predicament he's having, a friendly herbivore, a cranky carnivore-hating deer, or just a caveman. Either way, the friendly herbivore one is the best option.

The bush in front of Alexander started to rattle, by now Alexander is pointing his gun towards the bush. Something then pops up, that something is Alistair holding a dead deer. Alexander looks at him, dumbfounded.

"What the, Alistair! Where did you go?! How did you get that deer?" Alistair said nothing but continues to his previous spot. The albino is clearly limping from his broken leg. The albino the took out a knife and started cutting the deer with such precision. "What's that for and how did you find it?"

Alistair scoffed, clearly not happy with Alexander for the time being. "Breakfast, I'm hungry and it's been roaming around us  for an hour, its pissing me off."


No words are spoken between the two, drowning them in the noises Alistair made when cutting through the deer. Now, Alexander realized that Alistair's long sleeved shirt has gone into shambles. His sleeves are basically halved and wrapped around different parts of the other male's body; the bottom part of the albino's shirt is also at the same condition. Most of them are on Alistair's leg and mostly red or turning into brown.

Alexander cringed at that, he is the caused of it, so the blond is feeling guilty.

Alexander just can't help to stare at Alistair's body. Due to how the tears are made, Alexander can see Alistair's well toned stomach and well toned arms. He can easily be passed as a model and make millions of dollar in no time.

By the time Alexander realized he desperately needed to apologized to Alistair, their food is done. Alexander stare at the piece of meat and berries in front of him, mesmerized that food can look this good despite being in a...questionable presentation.

First bite, Alexander moaned in delight.  "What did you do? This is delicious!"

Alistair rolls his eyes. "Killed a deer, find branches and flat stone, cook it on that and present it on the wood chunk with berries." The albino shrugged.

"How did you know all this?" The blond haired boy asked, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Books and TV. Who knew." Alexander looks at him, confused.

"Huh?" Was all Alexander can say.

"Thise fake documentaries you watch cause you're bored. Yeah those. Most of the time it's something you should care about but it's helpful, especially with our situation." Alistair sighed, in frustration, remembering how they end down there did caused him a headache. "Spending days with nature is also where I knew plants that you can eat and can give you reshes. I guess hobbies does pay off." Once again, the albino shrugged.

Alexander sat there, picking up his venison and bringing it into his mouth. There are some people that you can easily read but Alistair is not one of those people. The assassin is as wide as the word and as deep as the sea. That's why Alexander finds him intriguing.

"You didn't answer my question, by the way." Alistair looks at him, thinking on what Alexander asked him. "The one about your eyes, why are they purple?"

"Oh, that. It's supposed to be blue contacts but I guess the light and the reflection made my eyes purple." The man said. He throws away the piece of wood he made as a makeshift  plate and Alexander did the same, the blonde is satisfied on the meat, perfect medium rare too.

One last question.

"Alistair, why did you do that? Taking all the hits for me?"

Alistair sighed. "First, there's a possibility that the car will explode and, sure, we won't have as many bruises if we stay but there's still a chance that we'll be stuck in the car. And throwing us out is the best option available at the time."

Alexander took a deep breath. "How long are we stuck down here?" The blond suddenly asked. The Dark Shadow tries to get up but failed by wincing loudly and grabbing his leg.

Alexander quickly stand up and helps Alistair out. "It must be nice to have no broken legs and have just a few scratches, huh?" The albino scoffed. Now, it's Alexander's time to wince, guiltily.

"I called for back up a few minutes ago, the signal is atrocious down here!" The albino shouted causing a flock of birds to migrate to somewhere.

A sharp sound of wind cuts through the the entire forest. "And, there they are."

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