Chapter 13: YOU!

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Chapter 13: YOU!

"I think that won't be necessary..." A deep, thick voice said from behind. The father and son turn their heads around. And what Alexander see shocks him.

There stood a man with white tuxedo and black under shirt. He wore a white ribbon that compliments his overall good looks. Alexander look up even more, and saw the most tantalizing red eyes he seen. His white hair is slicked back and gelled to perfection. The guy then descend down the stairs, lowering down to Alexander's level.

The guy hold his hand out to Alexander. "Good evening, Alexander King, it's nice to meet you."

Alexander shake's the guy's hand. "Y-You too." Alexander replied nervously. The blond can't help but notice how familiar looking the guy is, it's like he'd seen him before. But he can't be Dante, the purple eyed albino is shorter than him and his eyes are a galaxy-like purple, not red.

"Ah, Alistair, I see you're here. You didn't snuck through the window, did you?" Aaron joked, earning a chuckle from the pristine man. "Speaking of, how did you go here? I didn't saw any other car going in the driveway?"

"I came with your son, simple as that." Alexander's eyes widen in the sudden realization. The only one that came with him is Dante.

"No! You!"

Alistair sighed. "Now I thought your thought comprehension is way faster than a slug's." Dante—Alistair replied sarcastically.

"Alistair, don't tease my son like that!"

"I'm not, just stating facts." Alistair laughed out loud, which causes Alexander's father to join in as well.

Who do you think you are, sarcastic asshole? Alexander thought bitterly. He then walk into his room, flopping into his bed like a very frustrated and tired man in his thirties with minimum wage because someone fucks over his life.

While Alexander is having his very own episode, the two went into the living room. They sat across from each other and Aaron ordered Miles to get some tea for the two of them.

"I heard that your new kill count is 500, congratulations."

"Thank you, I'm flattered, capo." Alistair replied.

"Don't call me that, Alistair, you know that I've known you since the day you were born. You're like a second son to me."

"Oh, don't get cheesy with me." The two men laughed. Then the atmosphere turns into a serious one. It's so thick that you can cut it with a knife.

"You do know what I wanted, right?"

Alistair sighed. "Yes, I do. Don't you think that he have a part I this?" The albino visibly shutters which is breaking his initial façade.

"I have my suspicions, Alistair. But we still don't know. You know the danger of those gangs and...I don't want history repeating itself." Alistair nodded.

"So basically, follow him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid?"

"Exactly." Aaron agrees. "But as much as possible, please stay alive. Promise me, Alistair."

Alistair smiles softly. "Of course, Aaron." The two shook hands. "IU better get going now, your little rascal is up to something."

With one final smile, Alistair exited the mansion of five generations of Kings.

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