Chapter 22: Confession

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Chapter 22: Confession

Breath in, breath out. Calm as a lake. Breath in, breath out.

This phrase kept repeating in Alexander's head. After Zachary and he talked, he finally understands these strange feelings, he is undoubtedly, a hundred percent, like Alistair. Alexander finally realizes that those nagging feeling in the beginning is his heart telling him that it hurts. It hurt to the fact that Alistair has been rude to him.

And those more intimate moments with Alistair isn't just some sort of natural response. No. It was a genuine, heart-felt blush.

And those very vivid...dreams are true from his mind, and his díck. He didn't want those fabricated dreams. All those kisses, nibbling, biting¸ and bruises. Alexander don't want none of those, he wanted more. So, so much more.

As of now, it's the end of class and students rushed to the hallway, wanting to finally meet their second best friend, their bed. While Alexander is sitting anxiously, waiting for Alistair. Their English class ended sooner than intended, Mrs. Adams, discussed all the things she needed for the day, and because of laziness and having a very important meeting later, she decided to let her students go.

The teachers could dismissed the class early if they wanted to, or when there's an emergency (like a student having a very bad allergy reaction and the teacher is the only one available) or when there's an important event in the school that requires all the teacher's attention.

Finally, Alexander spotted a familiar white hair. The blonde quickly stand up and strut towards the albino. "Alis-Dante!" Alexander called out, which makes the assassin turn his head, still stunning Alexander with those purple eyes, despite not being real. He quickly grab Alistair's hand and went to the field.

Alistair kept protesting on where they are going but the blond just keeps going. I mean, Alistair could have just broken free, but in the process, it would hurt; or brake a bone, Alexander. He didn't want that, especially when his pay will be deducted.

Finally, the two are in the side of the football field. Alexander smiles when the light and air hits his face, relishing the soft scent of grass in the air while Alistair cringed when the two make eye contact with him. Some people says he's a vampire. But Alistair don't give a single, flying fuck.

Alexander takes a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Alistair I wanted to tell you something." Alexander breathed out, nervously. This simple gesture made Alistair raises an eyebrow. He barely seen Alexander to be nervous, except around him.

"Okay, what's the deal, Alexander?" The albino asked, he may have fast decision making but he isn't a mind reader...unlike someone he knew...

"U-Um, I just w-wanted to say thank you..." The blond stuttered. Alistair raises an eyebrow at his remark.

"What for?" The albino questioned. Never in his life had someone personally and genuinely thank him before. Not his father, not his mother, nor any of his other bosses. What makes Alexander so different?

At first glance, Alistair knew that Alexander is a bit different than most of his clients. And their first interaction isn't the best. Alistair haven't met a single mafia boss that been nice or does not have any form of aggression. Sure, there are some who have a good first impression but the albino later find out that they too have issues.

"F-For, saving me. At the car..." Alexander trails off, feeling embarrassed and guilty for putting Alistair in the hospital.

"It's my job, Alexander, I need to thank me. Besides, I would have been killed if you died." Alistair nonchalantly said. On the other hand, Alexander is stunned. He knew the mafia works like that, he even shoot several people, but there's a part of Alexander wishing that he doesn't have to be the next godfather. He just isn't bold enough to kill that many people.

"A-And for the breakfast. It taste g-good."

"I'm somewhat of a chef, myself." Alistair joked but it doesn't earned anything from Alexander. "What are you going to say, Alexander? I don't have all day." The albino stated.

Alexander took a deep breath, he expected it to be much, much better than this. A stuttering mess. But you can't really put too much on yourself, right? With one final sigh, Alexander comes eye-to-eye with Alistair. "I like you!" Alexander blurted out and blushed. The albino smiled a little. Cute.

"I mean even if your gay, I don't think you'll like me back. And the time I fucked up, you save my ass and I really appreciate that. Especially when you took blame when I accidentally shoot someone. Thank you. Oh, and when we first kissed I did have multiple dreams about you. Really erotic ones too." Alexander puts his hand on the back of his neck and giggled a little. "What I'm saying is that I like you, a lot and you grew on me. At first, I thought you were a jerk but when Zachary knocked some sense into me, I finally understand, again, thank y-"

Alexander is cut off by warm, soft lips onto his, making the blond gasps while Alistair smirked. The kiss quickly turned into a more heated one. The albino swipes his tongue across Alexander's bottom lip, sending blood towards Alexander's lower region. Alexander finally come into his senses and pull away, his light brown skin, having red visible to them.

"Will you go out with me?" The blond asked. The answer is obvious, yes, but he wanted to hear it from the albino's mouth.

"I'd love to." Alistair smiled.

"This weekend, come to the mansion. Around 5 in the evening. Don't be late." Alexander sternly said.

"When did I became late, Alexander?" Alistair asked, raising his left eyebrow and placing his hand on his hip. Alistair did have a point. He is never late, voices his opinions and strong willed. Alexander may not know this but Alistair hasn't broken a single promise he made.

"See you then, capo." The albino teased ,earning a glare from Alexander which the albino just laughed and walk towards the parking lot.

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