Chapter 25: A Step Further [R]

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Chapter 25: A Step Further

Word spread fast on Stacy's 'unexpected' death. Her parents says that she got hit by a drunken truck driver but when you look them straight in the eye, you can tell that they're lying. Just like their own dead daughter. That's the only thing that happened through the course of the week. Except when the principal gave a very, very, long and unnecessary speech about safety.

Throughout the week, the two boyfriends are stealing kisses and 'butt grabs' from each other. Whether it was on public or private, the two didn't care, they just want to let their partner know that they care for them.

Some may call it moving too quickly but for the two of them, it's the perfect pace. They've known enough other for months now, so they both know the basics of what the other person want or what they want from each other. Granted, Alexander know less about Alistair but he knew that will change in the near future. The two also decided to finish their English project, the thing that brought them together in the first place.

Alexander thought about thanking his care-free yet strict English teacher soon.

The blond quickly comb his hair back, trying to impress Alistair more. He knew that the albino will appreciate his looks even when he put minimal effort. Which the blond does in a daily environment in the first place.

The drove to Alistair's apartment is a short one, the blond can't wait to see his first, official boyfriend of his life. When the car come to sudden halt, Alexander practically threw the car door open and bolted out of the vehicle.

Floor 40, room 216.

Alexander chanted those word in his mind, not wanting to get lost and find two people smashing on the sofa. Alexander doesn't want that, he does want is to smash... The elevator door suddenly opens, indicating that the blond reached his designated floor. Alexander steps out of the tight elevator and wander around the painting-filled hallway. It doesn't take long for Alexander to finally reach room 216.

The blond knock three times and take a step back as a precaution of the door slamming on his face. Alexander heard shuffling on the other end, the door opens and the blond couldn't help but blush. There, Alistair is half naked, showing of his well-toned yet lean body, littered with nasty scars. The only thing that keeps Alistair from being naked is a towel on his waist. Alexander could help but groan internally, the towel is both physically and metaphorically cock blocking him and his boyfriend.

"Alexander? Come in and I'll put on some pants." Alistair smirked, completely aware that the blond is basically eye-raping him. Alexander sat on the sofa near, and wait for his boyfriend to be finished, much to his disappointment. The young capo heard a strong and firm come in from the bed room.

When Alexander opens the door, like the car, come to a sudden halt. Alistair is in bed, in a position, still half naked from the waist up, the albino showing off his chest, arms and firm abdomen. He's wearing a tight, too tight, pants that shows his lean legs.

Calm as a lake.

Alexander sat down the bed and the two immediately started to work, Alexander review the notes they made from, who knows how long ago and Alistair is the one typing their overall analysis. They finished on records time despite the fact that Alexander is distracted from Alistair's rather plump and soft tiddi-lips.

"Well, I'm impressed. We finished rather early. Too early for my liking." Alistair smirked. They did end on the earlier note, a three thousand word analysis of everything the two knew in one hour. "Say, how would you react when I did this?"

Alexander tries to protest but his neck has been pulled and his lips has been attacked by another, much softer one. Alexander stares at Alistair, shocked on the sudden movement. They did share some light kisses here and there but this one is more...intense. The kiss is more heated and it's burning with lust and passion you can almost smell it.

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