Chapter 4: Last Day of Summer

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Chapter 4: Last Day of Summer

For the last five days, Alexander is just inside his room, either playing some sort of game, contemplating life, or jerking off. Alexander wanted to come out of his rom and go to the mall or eat with his friends or doing something for the life of him. But he knew he couldn't his father locked the keys and windows of his bedroom. He also installed some motion detectors at them and it will be deactivated by using a key card. The only time the door is opened when he's brought food.

Suddenly, the door opened. This confuse Alexander, it isn't his one and only meal time, but it's Miles who opened the door, normally it would be a maid.

"Lonely?" Miles asked his young master, who in turn, nodded his head vigorously. "And you must be hungry too," In which Alexander replied with a soft smile.

"Come on, our capo decided to let you go earlier than he would have liked." Miles then throw Alexander a pair of keys, the keys to the house, his room and his car, to be precise. Alexander eagerly calls his best friend and told him to meet at the mall so the two could hang-out.

Besides wanting to finally have some human contact, Alexander eagerly awaits eating more. He can live having only one meal a day but sustaining his muscular figure, which he technically work hard for, can have a toll on him. Right now, driving the car, he feels a little sluggish and there's only one thing that can solve it.


Alexander pulled up to the mall's parking lot. He get out of his car and went off to a journey to the food court, where coincidently, where the two needs to meet up. Alexander ordered from different stores settle down on one table. He then proceed to eat all of it on record's time. By the time he's on his last meal, dessert, which is a blueberry grunt, Zachary appears.

"Dude, how much did you eat?!" Zachary exclaims, which Alexander just shrugs because of his grunt-filled mouth. "You could have solve world hunger!" Alexander rolls his eyes, obviously the food he ate is just a quarter of what a competitive eater eats.

"Why did you invite me anyway?" The shorter man asked.

"I just wanted to hang-out, you know play some arcade games, flirt with girls, buy sex toys. The gist." Alexander nonchalantly said.

"For an 18 year old, you have a high libido."

"You know it." Alexander winked.

"Ew, dude I'm not gay." The two laughed out loud. Both of them don't have a problem on people liking the same gender, considering the fact that Alexander's grandfather have a male lover.

And those who shows disapproval, get off with thier heads.

The two then went from store to store, buying whatever their heart pleases. Alexander also told Zachary the incident from the very top. On the other hand, Zachary isn't surprise with Alexander's behavior. Zachary knew the pros and the cons of having a business man of a father and having heavy association with the underground. His father also works under the hands of the King Mafia. So, in a sense, Zachary knew Alexander's struggles.

The two then walk towards a store fully dedicated to some sort of action figures. They have some famous and infamous super heroes and other sidekicks. They also have overly priced Lego sets from different very famous shows. Zachary wanted to go in there and touch everything his hand could. And for Alexander, he mostly wanted to see the huge ass Joker statue there.

While looking from the shelves, the two saw a recognizable, unfamiliar, platinum color hair. The man is looking through different t-shirts and hoodies. Alexander noticed two girls staring and whispering towards the man.

"Doesn't he look like Subaru Sakamaki?" The first girl said.

"No he looks like a total Zero!"

"Aren't you dumb? He has purple eyes! Zero has...purple...and red eyes..." The first girl sighed.

"Hey, look on the bright side, he looks like someone who you meet and never hold back. He looks fuckable too! You think he's a bottom?" The second girl whisper-yelled and the other one squealed on delight.

Alexander couldn't help but feel a burning sensation in his chest.

The guy look towards the two girls froze, unable to move from their spot. The guy then proceeds to move past the two girls and pay for whatever he bought.

"Hey Alexander. Let's go." That seems to snap Alexander out of his dazed state.

"You didn't buy anything?" The blond questioned.

"Not really, I didn't found what I was looking for. But I'm pretty sure they have it! For the last months I've been going here, they have it! But when I wanted to buy it. They sold out! What kind of bull crap is that!?" The brown haired boy ranted out.

"You could just order it online." Alexander deadpanned out.

"Oh...that." Alexander loves his best friend to the bones, but he can be...dense at times. The two have shared a lot of moments together, including joining football together. If asked, Alexander has the more brains than the two. On the other hand, Zach is your typical meat headed stud but with a big heart.

The two separate their ways and went to their houses. This time, Alexander doesn't have to worry about being punish, because of that, he has a smile on his face the whole drive back.

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