Chapter 3: Ice Rink

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Chapter 3: Ice Rink

Did Alexander listened to his father's command? No, a definite, big fat no. Right now, Alexander is going to the nearby mall's ice skating rink. Apparently his best friend, Zachary, made plans to go there with some of their friends. Normally, Alexander would just walk out of his mansion and drive at the location of the mall. But in this case (with a father meddling around), he have to make more plans than usual.

His plan is simple, get his mother involve, bribe her with her favorite chocolate truffles which coincidentally can be bought at the mall, turn off the security cameras, bribe the his chauffeur and flirt with the maids to convince them to not tell his father. As easy as locating the last six digit of pi.

Of course, most of his plan worked, surprisingly, his mother can't resist the delectable balls of chocolate and the chauffer is a little bit harder to deal with but with a few threats and a promise truffles, he gave in. Right now, he's thinking about the fun time he and his friends are going to have sliding around and falling off they're butts. But something in the back of his mind kept irking him off.

When he arrived there, he saw Zach, with arms crossed, looking around for something, or someone, rather. When his eyes landed on Alexander, an obvious-- and probably too bright that it can compete the sun – smile comes up to his face.

"Hey big AL!" The chocolate haired man shouted, gaining the attention of a lot of people around the vicinity. Alexander started to run towards Zachary's direction. The two met halfway and gave each other a bone-crushing hug.

"It's been a while!" Zachary greeted which Alexander muttered a small "yeah".

The two entered then Alexander saw six other of his friends at school, four guys and two girls, but one other girl stood out the most. She have long brown hair and a beautiful figure (for a soon-to-be senior that, is) and she's well acquainted with Alexander. She is, the one and only, Stacy Debi. She consider herself Alexander's girlfriend but Alexander only considered her as 'friends with benefits' aka fuck friends. There's a slim chance that they will be together since all Stacy wanted is sex, and apparently Alexander is pretty 'animalistic' at it.

Stacy went up to Alexander and gave him a kiss on the lips. She wrap her arms at Alexander's neck but Alexander, the big AL himself, isn't happy. He isn't giving the kiss back to her, you can tell from his body language that Alexander is uncomfortable. The two then pulled away, mostly by Alexander, and look back at the group.

The group went in the rink after paying for the entrance. They then went towards the ice rink, sliding and falling on their asses. Most of the group are struggling with their balance, which include Alexander and Zachary, but not Stacy. The girl kept bragging that she's so good at this, clearly having some experience on ice skating. But all in all, the group is satisfied with their choice of hang out place, the summer heat is being unbearable these time, so having a time with the ice is refreshing to say the least.

Everyone then left the rink for a few moments so the ice resurfacer can do its job. When they are waiting, the group kept complementing Stacy on her performance, some makes self-deprecating jokes about themselves. Some people left during this but most stayed and more people came in.

The ice resurfacer is gone now, meaning more people falling off their butts since the ice is more slippery. This time Stacy fell down but she kept making some sort of excuse on why.

Right now, there's a small crowd forming at one end of the rink, the group carefully went to the other end. And what they saw amazes them. They saw a white-haired man, with somewhat purple eyes, he isn't wearing any protective gear, unlike everybody else—yes, including the slut—on the rink. The man can be a bit taller the Alexander but from his posture, being slightly tilted, he doesn't know.

The man then position himself forward, then jumping from the ice. Mid-jump, the man spins elegantly, he did this a two more times. He then spins around one area and crouch down, grabbing one of his skates in the process. The man made eye contact with Alexander, the platinum haired man winked at him before skating away.

Cheers and gasps of amazement can be heard from the crowd, some even clapping and whistling. The group have mixed reactions from the stunt the man made. All of them, except Stacy and Alexander, are in awe. Stacy is mad that the man stole her spotlight while Alexander has a faint pink hue across his face.

A few minutes later, Stacy insisted that they leave a little earlier than they planned, since right now the whole rink is focused on the lean, white hair man with lithe movements on ice and eyes that can compete with the galaxy. But of course, she just insisted that she's tired...somehow considering her party animal behavior... but the group still agreed with her, not wanting to face the girl's wrath.

Just before they leave, Alexander bought the chocolate truffles for his mother and the chauffer. Now the only thing he needs to worry about is the maids that saw him going out. Alexander asks Zachary to bring him home, the chocolate haired man agreed. At the drive, Alexander kept thinking about the white haired man.

Why did he wink? The man contemplated. Was it for me?

By the time he asks this, the car he's into stopped in front of his house. The two says their goodbye and Alexander went inside the house, into which Miles is waiting for him in front of the door. Miles usher him at his father's office but before Alexander entered, he ordered Miles to give them chocolate truffles to his mother and the one that brought him to the mall.

When Alexander entered, he saw a huge television with his father holding a remote. The godfather pressed a button and saw Alexander walking out the house. Then the realization hit Alexander in the face. The thing that's been bugging him is he forgot to turn off the security cameras.

"Oh shit..." Alexander muttered under his breath but it's loud enough for his father to hear.

Aaron smirked to his son. "Oh shit, indeed."

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