Chapter 29: Payback

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Chapter 29: Payback

The remaining color left out of Alistair's face. Dread.

That's the only thing that etched on Alistair's face. He thought he could face the man after all those years but, no, he can't. He's still a boy in his eyes. A boy that those dreams he crushed. A boy that become the lowest of low. A boy who have a lot of distrust. A boy that had been an empty shell of his former self.

The man smirked as he walk towards the albino, trembling. It isn't a good look for anyone in the matter but for Alistair, it's out of character yet in his own character at the same time. Alistair still have the contraption in his hands and forearms, so it's easy for his tormentor to dominate him just like before.

The man got a hold of Alistair's cheeks, forcing the older one of the two to look up at him. The albino tried to struggle but, like most of his escapes in the past, it was futile. The man whispered something in Alistair's ear, something incoherent yet so powerful to Alexander.

Alexander realizes an open door, there was some ruckus going on outside, he peered. He saw the King's men, his men, there battling it out like some sort of battle royale, and whoever survives, wins. The blond kept glancing his shackles and the door, he doesn't want to leave his lover but it could possibly find some help after the whole ordeal.

A loud bang sounded through the room, Alexander glance to Alistair's direction, surprised to see that the man is now underneath Alistair and the terrified—petrified face the albino once made is now filled with determination and bloodlust. He won't stop until he satisfied that hunger.

A soldier came through the room and unshackled Alexander from his restraints. 'Let's get you out of here." The young Alexander is torn, between leaving and leaving him. The soldier noticed it and then reassured his soon to be boss by saying: "He can take care of himself, I've seen him in action before, trust me." The blond nods meekly and followed the soldier.

The soldier really did saw Alistair fight someone, one on one. Granted, the opponent still have a knife and a gun. But even when all those factors are against Alistair, he won. He's like a dancer while fight, like all of those are rehearsed, all of his opponent's attacks are nullified by either a block or another punch.

He was mesmerized to say the least.


Alistair is seeing red. He only have one goal in mind, to satisfy his needs. He's only a boy, a boy with wants—needs. One of those needs is killing the man that started it in the first place. Alistair bring his restrained hands up and smash it directly towards his tormentor's face.

Blood gushes everywhere, the man can't feel his face anymore. He can't move his arms and legs, he can't move anything at all. Now, he stares towards a pair of menacing eyes. One, blood red like a roses under a moonlight and the other one is shining purple, mesmerizing yet deadly.

The sound of grunting, painful snarled, and metal clunking can be heard. At this point the metal contraption could break from the impact it's making from the man's face. Not to mention the's like a red lake that kept on flowing all over the room. It's like pulling you in, till you can't feeling the warmth of life anymore.

That's why life is beautiful, it fades.

A single black and white feather cascade down the room. It's peaceful, serene.

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