Chapter 15: Restlessness

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Chapter 15: Restlessness

When Alistair bring back Alexander, his father is pretty mad, not at Alexander but at the assassin that's now rotting somewhere. The main reason why Aaron didn't get mad at Alexander is because he once felt like that. When everything in the world just don't make sense, you need space despite leaving something or someone behind.

Aaron do send some of his people to take care of the shitty assassin.

What he actually did is send someone, cut his head off and send it to his master and dispose of the body. The most efficient? No. But the most enjoyable way to do it? Yes. Besides, Aaron doesn't care if he can have a partnership with the leader, I mean he wanted to kill his son. Aaron may be terrifying to some extent, but he isn't heartless; especially to his family.

Alexander is stirring in his sleep right now, if you could call what he's doing sleep. But really, Alexander is wide awake and can't sleep for the last few hours. Everyone in the mansion is sleeping, so there's not much noise except for the occasional crickets chirping around.

The blond glance over his mahogany colored night stand, it kept Alexander's digital alarm clock and a picture of his family. His mother is sitting next to him and his father is standing behind him, protectively and menacingly. Alexander is also the first King to have blond hair. He saw all of his grandfathers have black hair and his dad have black hair too, Alexander is proud he inherited his mother's hair. It make the eighteen year old more unique in a way.

Alexander glance at the rectangular metal box. The neon yellow numbers and letters indicate that it's only 4:30 in the morning, too early for anyone to be up. He let his hand on top of the night stand, feeling a flat, rectangular object. After a few moments, he recognized it as his phone. Alexander pick it up and unlock it and proceeds to his contacts.

This is what I need, someone to talk to.

The phone ring once. Twice. Thrice. And the receiver picks up, Alexander release a sigh of content.

"Alexander, man, what the fuck? It's way too early." The man said thorough the line, his voice deeper and raspier than before.

"Hey, Zachary. Wanna talk?" Alexander asked but already know the answer is going to be.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" Exactly. Alexander snickered. "What do want to talk about?" The younger man questioned. The Alexander is only older by a few week and he kept teasing Zachary about it. But it's just all fun and games, now, Zachary doesn't mind it much.

"I got a bodyguard." The blond plainly said.

"Dude, that's awesome! Is he like the kill everyone bodyguard? Or the silent killer 'will risk their life at all cost' bodyguard? Wait. Is it a she? It's going to be a future love interest for our future godfather? Aww. That's cute. Wait. Maybe it isn't. Can I meet them? I don't want to use pronouns since that's disrespectful especially when I don't know their name or when they preferred to be called them. When can I meet them? I demand answers, Alexander Lewis King!" Zachary rambles through his cellular device. The chocolate haired man always rambles when he's excited. It's quite adorable.

"First of, calm the fuck down." Alexander sternly said. Zachary mumbles a small sorry. "One, it's the second type of bodyguard. They are apparently the best assassin of all, that's what my dad said. Then it's a guy. And you already met him."

"What?" Zachary questioned in disbelief.

"Remember Dante?" Alexander feels Zachary actually nods in line. "Apparently, he's my new bodyguard! Can you believe that? Why didn't he told me? And he's taller than me!"

"Woah, dude calm down. Now that you mention it, I noticed that Dante is always slouching, yeah?" That should explains why he is taller than the blond but he still pretty upset over it. "Besides, that guy he beat up...what's his name...?" Zachary ponders.

"I don't know."

"Dude, you're the captain! How come you don't know?!" Zachary shouted to the other line.

"I just don't give a shit, Zach," Zachary groaned. "All they want is to become my associate and do whatever the hell they want! They would think that they will get away with everything just because I'm the captain." Alexander reasons out, clearly frustrated on a handful of students using him for useless high school clout.

"Well, I think that you should trust him for now, besides the guy knockdown should be a good sign, right?"

"I don't know. Zachary. I don't know. And apparently his real name is Alistair the Dante one is just a disguise of sorts." Alexander breathed out.

"How do you feel about Dante, I mean, Alistair, being your bodyguard? I can never get use to him being Alistair..." Zachary asked and sighed.

"What are you now, a therapist?" Alexander scoffed. "But in all honesty, I really don't know. I mean, I'm bugged that they didn't tell me sooner and I have mixed feelings about the guy." This is true, on one hand, he feels mad at the two for not trusting him enough to tell him but on the other Alexander feels rather...happy in a bad-ish-ly good way. With a sigh, Alexander waves his goodbyes with Zachary to which the man eagerly says back.

Zachary needed his beauty sleep, obviously.

A crisp sound sounded through Alexander's room, indicating that his phone have another message send through Alexander's phone. The blond groaned, clearly wanting just a few moments of sleep. He mindlessly opens and unlocks his phone. He saw the message is from an unknown number. It read:

I know you're still up, sleep. You'll need it. Also let's start our project tom @ my place. I'll pick you up around nien. ;).



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